WHAT is the VISION for Brent Powell with Fort Powell Homestead in POWDERSVILLE, SC?

1 month ago

WHAT is the VISION for Brent Powell with Fort Powell Homestead in POWDERSVILLE, SC?

- Feed our Community 🇺🇸 👨‍🌾
- Tighten our circles 🇺🇸
- Bigger and better Farm Stands 🇺🇸
- More parking, more access 🇺🇸
- More places to grow food 🇺🇸
- Looking to open training facility 🇺🇸
- Teach canning, medicines, tinctures 🇺🇸
- More Homestead Education 🇺🇸
- Be part of Make America Healthy again 🇺🇸
- Help people take control of their food 🇺🇸

Call: 864-617-9184
Website: www.fortpowellhomestead.com
Email: brent@fortpowellhomestead.com

So proud Brent has been a part of Businesses for Liberty since the beginning!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸👏👏

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