The Four Enemies Of Peace

1 month ago

So, lot’s of defining needed here as, the days that we have already passed through, have shown the condition of most of our Christian brethren, and of the things on this earth. Ha, no but I don’t include fake-believers, make-believers, or non-interested in God anything people, of which I was one for over 30-yrs.

Now but so, I came in my office to redo a message that I did the day before but it just wasn’t up to par (Baby Shark Dance), so I deleted it and expected to re-record it again this morning. But as usual if you give me any time in my head the messages start to drop in like gold nuggets. I am always looking for them because I suspect that maybe one day thousands will be dramatically impacted enough to want to know God above all else that is temporary and all of it is temporary.

No but so, these four little words are what we can call quivers from the devil, and he is always looking to shoot them into his targets of which you are if you are an authentically born-again believer.

So, my first thought was to define each of the four words so that we have a real good understanding of what they mean. Listen, words have power. Let there be light and there was light. Words created everything that is seen and unseen. Words. And when you lock into behaviors that are not of God, then it is a signal to you that you have been shot by the devil. Perhaps you let your spiritual guard down, forgot to read your daily 100 pages of the bible, ha, yah, but I don’t even read that many. Maybe you just haven’t entered into the reality that you have been set free, not recovering as some do, but actually they have been set free, like one minute you wanted to smoke, and the next minute you lost all appetite to do such a thing. That a supernatural only level of freedom. We will get back to that in a short bit. Let’s look into the quiver of the devils arsenal and see some of the more popular arrows that he uses.
• Worry
• Anxiety
• Fear
• Doubt

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