Serpentine Fire by Earth, Wind and Fire ~ Raising Christ Consciousness Within Us

1 month ago

Earth, Wind and Fire and their Brilliant Leader, Maurice White, are the Leading Alchemical Band in Rock and Roll, as no other Band Rolls Back the Rock to Christ's Tomb more so than this Band, as Song after Song, they reveal God's Truth and the Way of Christ Yeshua...

Serpentine Fire is from one of the Greatest Albums of All Time, their 1977 Album, All 'n All, which went to #1 on the Charts, while Serpentine Fire made it to #12...

The Song is all about the Divine Feminine Energy Within us, the Kundalini, Rising her Child, which is our True Spirit, called Christ Consciousness, up to the Third Eye Chakra, Ajna, whereby our Pineal Gland is Activated, Causing the Third Ventricle of our Brain to ILLUMINATE with God's Light in the Optic Thalamus, which is Known as the Third Eye Chakra, where we become The Light of the World...

That is exactly what the Serpentine Fire Within us is, the Risen Kundalini Turning On the Light of the World...the reason that it is called Serpentine, is because when our Kundalini (the Sacred Feminine) and Kundabuffer (the Sacred Masculine) Energies Rise Within us, they uncoil like a King Cobra Snake, 3 and 1/2 times from the Root, Muludhara Chakra, to the Third Eye, Ajna Chakra, creating a Symbolic Image of a Divine Serpent Rising upon High, to become One with God...

And All of this signifies our Raising the Beast, or Reptile Nature Within us from our Fallen State (the Root Chakra), all the Way Up to Heaven Upon Earth, which is when we Illuminate our Third Eye Chakra...

Thus, as you enjoy this Song, try to focus upon the Lyrics and begin to SEE them as Coding and Clues for Mankind Raising ourselves out of Sin and Hell, into Divinity, which is Heaven...

Enjoy this Great Song of Spiritual Truth from one of the Best Bands of All Time, Earth, Wind and Fire...

Love, CF

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