School Of Assassins, Escuela De Asesinos (1967 Original Colored Cartoon)

5 days ago

**Step back into 1967 and experience *School of Assassins (Escuela de Asesinos)*, a gripping anti-Communism film that uses animation to tell the story of two brothers torn apart by violence and ideology.**

In this powerful tale, one brother receives training in Cuba for hemispheric subversion, returning to his homeland to spread terror. However, his path takes a tragic turn when, in his attempt to destroy an experimental farm, his actions inadvertently lead to the death of his brother, Gustavo. The film explores themes of regret and the human cost of political extremism. Produced by Copri International Films, Inc. (Miami, FL) and directed by Jose D. de Villegas, *School of Assassins* offers a stark reflection on the consequences of ideological warfare.

Source: National Archives. (1967). *School of Assassins (Escuela de Asesinos)*. [Video] Retrieved from the National Archives Catalog,

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