My Dinner With A-Hole: Wallace Shawn Comes Out As Full Anti-Zionist

1 month ago

Posted • February 5, 2025: Wallace Shawn, the actor who first came to prominence in 'My Dinner With Andre' and later gave us the 'inconceivable' meme as the Sicilian in 'The Princess Bride,' is the latest beloved celebrity to join the ranks of rabid lefties like Stephen King, Mark Ruffalo, and Rob Reiner. Shawn has a special dislike of Israel, which ranks up there with Roger Waters. He uses the term 'evil' no less than five times in the first minute to describe the Israelis. October 7th gets mentioned briefly once but only as a segue into how the conflict didn't start there. Watch for yourself then have a good puke by yourself (nobody wants to see that, sorry). Did not realise this guy was such a c*nt. Figures. -- The New York City variant of the Hollywood progressive affliction seems to have struck Shawn hard. He'd be thrilled how many 'Christ is King' bigotbots added their 'Amens.'

Any person who says the words "Hitler had the decency" is nothing but a moral monster, especially in a vile, falsehood-riddled comparison of Israel to Nazi Germany. I don't know if I'll ever be able to watch The Princess Bride again knowing now that Wallace Shawn, the actor who plays Vezzini, is a nihilistic antisemite who makes the sadistic Tyrone Rugen in the movie look good by comparison. Did you catch that in the video? (…)

• More at: Twitchy - My Dinner With A-Hole: Wallace Shawn Comes Out As Full Anti-Zionist

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