1 month ago

This video is old. I jut couldn't figure it out prior to watching videos on the biofield i now understand hair technology functions. The act of rape towards red heads and blonds was to steal their essence. It seems the right attack was skin hue, they lost their tint. Shadow and reflection been at this for a long time. The next move was the attack on hair. What happened to all their curls? They made the beauty standard of hair to be bone straight. This is flat line. You are disconnected. You in this state is a reflection. And those wearing false straight hair became that shadow. Hair matters it is part of your charging station. Coil hair holds all metals you ingest testing hair for chemicals proves this what you metals ingest goes into your hair It attracts energy coil dark hair is a receptor. It receives information. The straight strands cannot receive data from the universe let alone galaxy. They are flatline. Beta wave is curly hair they can communicate with Universe but not outer limits. Galaxy.

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