Central African Republic: Let us rejoice with Richard Sharpe as 23 received Christ.

1 month ago

Central African Republic: Let us rejoice with Richard Sharpe and the Angels in Heaven as 23 received Christ in the Central Africa Republic today! Yes!!! Go God! Go Richard!!
He did One Wish training in the Central African Republic today. 6 teams of 5 went out and our team saw 23 salvations to the Lord.
Frontline Missions wants to partner with Richard and One Wish and take 10,000 evangelism bracelets to Porto Velho, Brazil in August and give every Indigenous Christian 2 bracelets. One to keep to show the plan of salvation with this bracelet, and the second one to give away at the end of their road! This way Frontline Missions and One Wish will partner with CONPLEI (of Brazil) and see the gospel of Christ go to the end of the Earth! Who wants to partner with us on this?!

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