President Trump on Gaza (see description!)

5 days ago

Gaza was the world's largest concentration camp (Gulag), Zionist Bolsheviks, Communists, Nazis, Neocons etc all love building them, Gaza was so big that people didn't see it. Gaza was being bombed in sectors, from the North to the South, crisis actors have 100% been used in Gaza, as have old video footage sold as new. The Palestinians HAD to leave their prison, and what better way to flatten it but with bombs....wrecking balls would have taken way too long. The Palestinians would have been evacuated as the crowds moved south to exit via the souther border into Egypt. Perhaps advanced weaponry will be used on Gaza during the events, turning it to dust ready for cleanup and rebuilding? The real Netanyahu is long gone, either prison awaiting trial or executed. Bibi's speech showed body movements that reminded me of Nigel Farage, this makes me wonder if Farage did the speech and AI simply put a Bibi appearance on him. Most of the western world is brainwashed by the "holocaust" so they have blind faith towards Israel, the blind also have no idea that Israel was never a country, nor do the masses know that when Trump says Israel it's highly likely referring to the 12 Tribes of Israel aka the 12 Sons of Jacob. Trump needs to play 5D chess to keep the majority on his side, but I do think 9/11 truths will come out and eventually the people will find out that the zionists were also the Bolsheviks, the Ashkenazim, the Sephardi, the Communists, the Ottomans, the Neocons etc. It's a massive MOAB of a red-pill for the normies to accept, let alone Hitler being a zionist and controlled opposition. Then we have Obama and Stanley Ann Dunham, and the Schiff's (Jacob Schiff and his great grandson George H W Bush).

All good muslims, just like Irish Catholics, just like real (non-zionist) Jews....that Muslims have got some very, very big red pills coming their way. They need to see a zionist jew wearing the cube of Saturn on his head as he sucks the blood from the penis of a circumcised baby, and they need to be shown the Kabba and the rings of Saturn made by the encircling muslims. Kabba, Allah....Kabballah....Cabal. It’s in plain sight. EVERY religion is a man made construct. Muslims need to see the red Fez of the 33rd degree Freemasonic sect called The Shriners, who often do “charity work for Children’s Hospitals, a bit like Jimmy Savile? The muslims need to ask themselves why the CIA funded many of the madrassas, why many ISIS fighters were zionists with Israeli identities. But muslims, Christians, and real Jews must be shown the Paul VI Audience Hall, where the Pope sits between the fangs of a viper. This balance shows that Christians, Muslims, and Jews have all been tricked by the Sin-a-Gog of Satan and all their various deceptive identities. The world will soon learn who the real common enemy is....the Khazarian Mafia and the Jesuits.

Now listen to this 7min update by SGANON

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