The Climate Lie: Part 1, Debunking the ‘Science’ | Frank Lasee

1 month ago

The climate alarmist narrative is being used to destroy our economy and frighten people into giving up their freedoms. But the entire narrative is false. Which is a diplomatic way of saying it’s a pack of lies. A collection of falsified, misrepresented and cherry picked data to convince people that manmade CO2 emissions are going to cause a runaway greenhouse gas effect that will kill us all.

And sadly, it’s working. Largely because dissenting voices, those who cite the real scientific facts that completely debunk the narrative are censored and silenced.

But, the truth, as they say, is out there.

There have been many books written by scientists debunking the global warming lie, but one of the best recent books comes not from a scientist, but a politician.

Frank Lasee, a former Wisconsin Representative and Senator, and now the President of Truth and Energy in Climate, has written the most well-rounded book I have yet read on real climate science.

Frank’s book, Climate and Energy Lies: Expensive, Dangerous and Destructive thoroughly destroys the climate alarmist pseudo-scientific narrative, while also addressing the politics of climate change. Who’s behind it, and what do they stand to gain?

In this two-part interview Frank, in this, part one, will show you the real science that utterly destroys the false manmade global warming lie. In part two, coming next week, Frank discloses the various parties behind this narrative, and what they stand to gain from it.

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