CCP Partner With Other Organizations and NGOs to Destroy America From Within

26 days ago

02/03/2025 Kristi Noem, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security: CCP is partnering now with the cartels to bring in these types of poisons and kill off our kids and launder their dollars. And they have a systematic plan to partner with other organizations and NGOs to destroy America from within and kill our children.
#ccp #cartels #KristiNoem #HomelandSecurity #Chinese≠CCP #Fentanyl
02/03/2025 美国国土安全部部长克里斯蒂·诺姆:中共现在正与贩毒集团合作,把各种毒品带入美国戕害我们的孩子,同时洗他们的黑钱。中共有一个系统的计划,通过与其他组织和非政府机构合作,从内部摧毁美国并杀死我们的孩子。
#中共 #贩毒集团 #国土安全 #克里斯蒂·诺姆 #中共不等于中国人 #芬太尼

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