Astarexin Red Light Therapy Cap Review

1 month ago

Astarexin Red Light Therapy Cap Review

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This is not the first red light therapy hat thatI have tested. A while back I tried a budget priced hat from AliExpress and although it seemed pretty decent quality, this one is better, offering features the other one lacks as well as employing a infrared light frequency of 830mn rather than the 850 used here.

Red Light therapy hats like this one are supposed to help with hair loss, other scalp issues and general health and well being and are usually priced from $150 upwards. This one is currently on sale at just $109.99.

Too often budget priced red light products are poorly made and poorly packaged. Not so here the build quality seems first rate, this looks and feels like a premium product with packaging and presentation to match. . The box contains the LED cap, a USB-C charging cable, a USB adapter and the user guide, which is well written and nicely printed in colour. Had I paid $150 plus I would not have complained here about the build quality.

Unlike the budget hat, this one resembles a proper cap which could even be worn outside whilst in use. The cap is nicely made from a heavy duty padded grey cloth with the LEDS inside. The hat has a 65cm circumference and a diameter of 19 cm with a velcro adjustment strap at the back. Inside are 102 LEDs even spaced throughout. On the side is a combined battery pack and panel housing the two backlit control buttons that blends in nicely to the design of the cap.

A big difference from my old hat is that this one is battery powered and incorporates a 2000 mAh battery. Charging time takes around two hours with run time of up to 2 hours depending on the settings used.

Operation is simple enough, although you may need to remove the hat the first few times to do so until you are familiar with it. Long press the power button on the right to switch on and enter standard mode by default and short presss to scroll through the three power levels. Short press the left hand button to scroll through the operating modes:
Standard - "Relax the brain"
Breathing - "Releive headaches"
10-Hz Pulse - "Improve emotions and cognition"
40 Hz Pulse - Hair Growth

The cap buttons LED changes colour to indicate the selected mode. The device will turn off automatically after 20 minutes. The hat is comfortable to wear and features an anti-sweat wicking strip along the edge, although I have not noticed it to be excessively warm in use. This is all very impressive and shows that some thought has gone into the design.

I don’t have a spectrometer so cannot check on the power of the 660nm and 850nm frequency dual mode LEDs but I have to say all seems fine on face value.

All seems good, so far. But what about hair loss, will it really help with that? Well there is some credible science reported in learned journals that RL therapy may indeed be of benefit, but in reality the jury is still out on that one. I must say that my AliExpress hat has made no difference but this one may well be better. We can all live in hope.

I tested the LEDs using my EMF meter and found the Electronic levels to be slightly high for sustained use but the magnetic and radio wave levels were fine. On balance nothing to worry about.

I would say this is a well made and attractively designed product that is a definite step up in quality and features compared to my older AliExpress device. For the price, however, and whilst making no claims for how well it works, it seems a good buy to me.

Music: YouTube Audio Library: Two Gong Fire - Ryan McCaffrey_Go By Ocean

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