Ruger LCP Max Quality Control Issues – Sights

1 month ago

I bought a new Ruger LCP Max for $239 from Grab-a-Gun (love those folks!!!). The LCP Max ran quite well, I didn’t even clean or oil it before the range session. However, I did not check sight alignment, and this baby was quite a bit off – low and left.
Yeah, I know all the Internet Keyboard Commando Warrior stuff about low and left. I can shoot, watch the other videos. This IS a factory issue for sure.
Long story short, 200+ rounds down range, reliable, but buying new sights for this baby to get it where I want it to be – so $239 for the gun, $75 for new sights – we’re just over $300 total, plus mags (4 extras).
I think this baby will work out, but if you have a Ruger LCP Max, check the accuracy. I’ve read quite a few posts where folks had THE EXACT SAME ISSUE – low and left…
Thanks for watching!

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