Able to Save (Being a Soul-winner) v.2 (w/ instructions/tips) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

1 month ago

Preaching on Other Churches - Diadem Baptist Bible Church (Antipolo - Main) - on Soulwinning

Able to Save
(Being a soul winner)
Text: James 1:21

1. make more soul-winners
2. make better soul-winners

define soul-winner, soul-winning
we have abilities and disabilities

1. God wants to save - v. 18 - "own will"
2. God saved us first - v. 18 - "firstfruits"
3. The process can be long, depending on our attitude towards it - v.19
- slow to speak, slow to wrath, but swift to hear
4. Jesus the Word of God does the saving
- people should 'receive' Him. - He is the Word of God
- with meekness
- engrafted - rom. 10:6-9
- trust Jesus - He is ABLE
5. Just Do it - vv. 22-24
- doing is obeying
- people learn as they 'do'
- you will soon learn that your are also ABLE.

You and I can be a soulwinner, a preacher of the gospel for the Lord.
And can be very good at it one step at a time.
Be that soulwinner. You are able, you can be enabled!

James 1:21, Hebrews 7:25, James 4:12


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