The Fruit of the Spirit and a Nurtured Mind

1 month ago

When I first began this journey of healing and freedom with my mental health, one of my goals was to learn how to relate to all my disturbing, embarrassing, conflicting, depressing and anxiety ridden thoughts. But in the long run, what I really learned was how to relate to ALL my thoughts in a renewed way. I want to invite into that journey as well.

As I learned to relate to thoughts in a more empowering way, I moved from chasing quick fixes and just trying to fell better right away, to embracing a journey of nurturing my mind. I also saw how the fruit of the Spirit is working to strengthen and nurture our minds relationally.

Today I want to unpack how each aspect of the fruit of the Spirit can provide comfort, strength, and resilience as you navigate your mental health battles. Whether you're wrestling with depression, OCD, or simply a tendency towards anxious thinking, this broadcast offers a refreshing perspective grounded in God's relational nature. I pray that I can inspire you to stop seeing the fruit of the Spirit as mere performance standards and instead view them as life-giving metrics for how to think, feel, and interact with yourself and others.

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Disclaimer: The content published is for informational purposes. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is purely educational in nature. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heard or viewed in our material.

The resources given are not designed to practice medicine or give professional medical advice, including, without limitation, medical direction concerning someone's medical and mental health. Any resources given are not to be considered complete and does not cover all issues related to mental and physical health. In addition, any information given should not replace consultation with your doctor or any other mental health providers and/or specialists.

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