The Sons of God, Nephilim, and Genesis 6 with George Michalopulos

1 month ago

Today, my friend George Michalopulos is back on the show to discuss the themes in his new book, “For Fear of the Angels: Who Were the Sons of God in Genesis 6 1-4?”
We get into the main theories regarding this question. We discuss how angels can come and interact with humans, what these angels were about, the Nephalim, the giants, Kane, The Book of Enoch and more. This is a fascinating topic and I hope you enjoy this discussion.

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The Counterflow Podcast is a weekly show featuring discussions and interviews with people who are outside of and critical toward mainstream liberal and conservative politics. Counterflow challenges the conventional right/left binary and is concerned with the more important distinction of free vs unfree. The show will feature thinkers from all backgrounds, who do not fit into the narrow framework of fashionable opinion. The show will address cultural and lifestyle issues as well as philosophy and politics. Host Buck Johnson (formerly of The Death To Tyrants Podcast) is a musician and firefighter and has always had an interest and drive to go one way while everyone else runs the other direction.

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