JUST IN: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ US President Trump calls to relocate all people living in Gaza (Read Description)

1 month ago

JUST IN: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ US President Trump calls to relocate all people living in Gaza "where they can live a beautiful life and not be worried about dying every day."

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And that's what I think has been going on for the past year or so, this is why the "IDF" was bombing the Northern quarter, the Palestinians would then leave via the Southern border, then the "IDF" levelled the second quarter and so on. What great way to rid the planet of old armaments than to use them for demolition work on the world's largest 77 year old Gulag called Gaza., destroying it with bombs being far quicker than wrecking balls. Crisis actors were most definitely used in Gaza in the past 12 months or so, old footage rescreened, and sold as new, and all that was to wake up the sleepers. So the Palestinians have been relocated for some time now I guess, where to I don't know, temporary location until old Gaza is rebuilt and they can return to a new Palestine. Israel will be cleansed of Khazarian zionists, and non-zionist Jews may well live peacefully in a new Palestine as they once did. I cannot see Israel remaining, as Israel was a Rothschild creation post WW2 in preparation for WW3 as per Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike whose plans were to build a third temple of Solomon, on top of Temple Mount and install the anti-christ. Satanic Zionists, Communists, Ashkenazim/Sephardic Khazarians, Bolsheviks, Nazis, Sin-a-Gog of Satan, it's all the same filth, depravity,blood lust, satanic ritual abuse, organ harvesting, genocide, food control/famine, fascism and so on.

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