Prophesy Simplified: Churches, Seals and History!

1 month ago

To understand prophetic themes, is to understand that symbols represent the themes discussed throughout the old and New Testament prophecies.

In the Old Testament, there are prophecies that applied literally to Israel and surrounding nations. However, there are many themes discussed that are representations of events.

It is surmised the reason for this is for these themes to apply not only in the day spoken about, but for our day as well.

More importantly, it is to connect the Old Testament with the New Testament. To understand books like Revelation, one must look to other biblical books to unravel what the symbols mean.

It does not have to be a mystery. One does not have to be a scholar to understand.

Humbly approach, compare scripture with scripture, and slowly this amazing truth will be revealed that our history and our future is embedded in there...

For in-depth analysis on the 7 churches, 7 seals and how they relate to history, here are some helpful lectures -

The 'Total Onslaught' Series by Walter Veith -

Amazing Facts Sabbath School Study Hour:

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