Götzendiener (PCE - 1994) playthrough

1 month ago

Götzendiener was never released outside of Japan. As the hardcoregaming101 review suggests, the game appears to be unfinished. There are hardly any enemies in the game, and you can choose not to fight almost all of those that do appear.
If a certain character in the intro cinematic looks familiar, it's because Studio Alex is one of the developers. Studio Alex also did the Lunar games.
Translations are machine translations (turn on captions for translations). I used the Bing and Google translators as well as https://nihongodera.com/tools/kana-converter for word by word translations.
Captions also include my commentary on things that happen, like when the game freezes up.
Credit to MobyGames for the translation of the game credits.

Played on a PC Engine Duo-R using composite out, running it through a RetroTINK 5X-Pro to an Elgato HD60 X capture card. Recorded in OBS Studio.

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