The CULT Investigation Continues - ALLEGEDLY

1 month ago

Viewer discretion advised.
naughty words
gang ish
truth through fiction


I documented.
which is my right as a Journalist.
any individuals involved feel they have been hard done by in anyway.
Feel free to Sue me.
I could use the publicity.
Also I'm honestly broke after these guys exploited over $30k from me.

I'm not asking anyone to break the law or risk there life in response to this but please for the love of humanity don't just look the other way when you see evil getting away with it. Do what you can. The authority of the land is often corrupt and will not assist from my experience, but the authority of HEAVEN does not sleep.
This battle is not against flesh or blood
Those that have been fighting in this spiritual war are well aware of this principle and realize our lives don't end at our bodies.

All I'm asking is:

Is this where you wanna be when Jesus comes back?

being complicit to the evil all around us?

Don't you realize us Herbs grow all around this country?

The more you cut us down, the more we GROW.

Life is a GARDEN. DIG IT.

It is not my intention to cause anyone to receive any kind of harassment or abuse. My intention is to provide a counter argument to claims they have made in a civil and courteous manner. The statement made herein are based on my honest opinion and should not be automatically accepted as fact. While I have no control over the feedback you choose to provide, I'd kindly ask that you avoid any forms of harassment or abuse.


Please do not be complicit to those bullying people in front of you, please do what you can if you can within the law to minimize harm and protect the vulnerable in this world from it's growing evil.
A lot happened, I'm not the one to make sense of all this.
Good luck.
continued willfully unrepentant bullying abusing manipulating extorting or engaging in the dark arts forfeits your right to anonymity on the reckoning podcast. This has been the established Rule for over a decade now so from here on out it is in writing. The verbal record is clear and has been consistent over the years.
content that some might feel offended or angry about. ie GOOD content. ;)
I am here to document the rise of peoples corruption by the dark side of the force, whatever you wish to call it, influence from lower reals, demons, service to lower kingdoms. It's on the rise. Many attribute this rise in barbaric negative actions such as violence bullying exploitation ect with race religion sex, essentially playing into the same divide and conquer tactics used for thousands of years to control the population.
An alternative view is seeing human beings to hosts to spirits either the light side of the force or the absence of the force, God, Devil, higher kingdoms, lower kingdoms, Good or Evil. Whatever words used to describe the phenomenon, This is the phenomenon I document.
Encouraging critical thinking and peaceful discussions between different tribes in a habitat that is in large supporting the most toxic aspects of tribalism. The cure is actually caring and listening to the individuals experience and reckonings despite what group they feel they belong too.
Rekoning is a wiser alternative to the usual mung brain tit for tat Judgements that have been leaving the world blind to themselves for thousands of years. Let The Reckoners Reckon.
Let the Artists Art.

The catalogue of evidence i have collected over the years is vast. I am not here to take down the system or challenge any of them. I am here to do my Fathers business and help where i can when i can who I can, and anybody that attempts to impede this journey can take up any grievances they have with the ONE that leads me.
You may know him by the name JESUS.

I documented.
which is my right as a Journalist.
Sue me.

PPS. Jedi Order coming soon to a local spiritual war zone near you. wink wink nudge nudge.
Fear not. Help is on the way.

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#melbourne #melbournewalks #melbournecity
#psychology #psychopathicnemesis
#narcissist #narcissism #news #bullyprevention #crazy #damage



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