USAID is a US foreign policy vehicle

1 month ago

Mike Benz: "It is a U.S. foreign policy vehicle. You have to understand that everything USAID does by statute has a dual use. Under the cover of humanitarian work, they supposedly advance U.S. national interests by achieving some goal in the region. However, they don’t actually advance U.S. national interests in the region. What they do is fulfill the commercial or political objectives of a very small secular elite in the U.S. and their international partners.

For example, I have published reports on hundreds of USAID scandals, from claiming to operate AIDS prevention clinics in Cuba and throughout South America, when in reality, those prevention clinics were a front for undercover agents aimed at fomenting anti-government dissent and trying to organize a revolution in the country.

We had the case of ZunZuneo, where USAID used humanitarian funds earmarked for Pakistan to create a fake version of Twitter. USAID documents explicitly stated that the plan was to get 100,000 people to sign up for the platform by luring them in with sports news and hurricane alerts. Then, at the right moment, they would flood them with messages to overthrow their government and take to the streets in organized protests.

You see this happening over and over again. Today, all over the news, in the protests outside USAID headquarters, and on X, you will see people from the intelligence community, the military, and diplomacy defending USAID by claiming they fund irrigation canals and fight hunger. If they are working on an irrigation canal, it is because they are trying to control the river systems of a country, like in Ethiopia.

Or, for example, when they were irrigating crops in Afghanistan. Guess what they were doing there? They were cultivating the heroin supply. Meanwhile, their sister organization, the U.S. Institute of Peace, was lobbying the Taliban to keep the heroin supply flowing, arguing that shutting down the poppy crops would be bad for Afghanistan and the world. USAID was funding the irrigation of those crops to keep the heroin supply going."

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