Guten Morgen - Austria - Another One

1 month ago

Guten Morgen - Austria - Another One - Trzeba było wymordować wszystkich żydów, a nie 6 milionów Polaków! Żydowskie śmiercioneczki - fukushima daiichi też była zrobiona łapami żydów! (te qrwy zjebane zniszczyły cały świat na zawsze już!)
Jim Stone Fukushima Sabotage.
Israeli Nukes Triggered Fukushima Quake, Crackpot Claims
Seismologists at the U.S. Geological Survey, the International Seismological Center, and NASA have come to a consensus about last year's cascading tragedies in Japan that left at least 16,000 dead and half a million homeless. Jim Stone, a self-professed former National Security Agency analyst with an "engineering background," has a different explanation: the whole thing was a deliberate and dastardly act of nuclear war.

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