The mainstream media is losing audience

1 month ago

Jenn Pellegrino: "Look at how Americans are leaving them behind. Look at some of the top talents from these networks who have had to take massive pay cuts or end up quitting and going independent. It’s going to be very difficult.

And you would think, common sense would say, that over the past four years, they had no access, no transparency. They got nothing from this administration. Now they have a president ready to speak to them directly, they can ask all the questions they want. He’s ready to step into the lion’s den on any network.

So you would think they’d be grateful—not only because they have that access, but also because it’s great for audiences when Trump appears. But I don’t see them changing. I don’t see them reporting the truth, aligning with President Trump’s vision, and reporting it accurately.

I think we’ll see a bigger shift toward the podcast space, more toward work like what you’re doing, because Americans are fed up with this.

There was an AP poll in December that showed two-thirds of Americans had stopped paying attention to the media. They were tired of politics and the news because, once again, it was all lies. And after the election, they said, "Wow, wow, how long have we been deceived?"

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