Canada - US Civil Assistance Plan (Operational Guidelines)

1 month ago

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The Canada -US Civil Assistance Plan is a North American Military Agreement Signed by the U.S. and Canada on 4 Apr 2008.
Developed by the Bi-National Planning Group since 2004.
Negotiated by George Bush Jr. - President of the USA and Stephen Harper - Prime Minister of Canada.

This agreement was signed at US Army North headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, by US Air Force General Gene Renuart, commander of NORAD and US Northern Command, or USNORTHCOM, and by Canadian Air Force Lt. General Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command.

According to the NORTHCOM press release, the plan "allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency."

The statement on the USNORTHCOM website emphasized that the plan recognizes the role of each nation's lead federal agency for emergency preparedness, which in the United States is the Department of Homeland Security and in Canada is Public Safety Canada.

The US Northern Command was established on October 1, 2002, as a military command tasked with anticipating and conducting homeland defense and civil support operations where US armed forces are used in domestic emergencies.

Meanwhile, the Canada Command was established on February 1, 2006, to focus on domestic operations and offer a single point of contact for all domestic and continental defense and securities partners.

This agreement allows foreign troops (US) to have jurisdiction over Canadian Civil Authorities like the RCMP, in the event of a national or civil emergency.


Obtained at:
Canada Command
National Defence and the Canadian Forces website

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