How to Drain the 50 State Swamps

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The swamp is not just in D.C.; it’s in all 50 state Capitols. In fact, it’s even worse in red states, because there is no scrutiny from the public. We begin today by going through some examples of excellent legislation we could pass but that is being blocked by Republicans. I’m joined by Andy Roth of the State Freedom Caucus Network, who gives us his thoughts on the legislative sessions so far. Republican leaders are worse than ever in places like Florida, South Carolina, and Texas.

Andy explains how the creation of the Freedom Caucus is the only solution to the problem of getting individual members with the courage and acumen to fight against leadership. However, at the same time, he can’t rush into a state to create a caucus unless it won’t be watered down and subverted from within. Roth also teases out which states will be easier and which states will be harder to create a caucus in. Ultimately, we will not drain the red-state swamps without working in primaries and growing Freedom Caucuses.

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