"Judge Priest" (1934) -featuring the BLACK JEFF FOXWORTHY, Stepin Fetchit!

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FOX production WATCH-PARTY!!! ...The original movie production was based off of the popularized Irvin S. Cobb newspaper comics characture Judge Priest, thereby the high-grossing film of the time already had a massive following before its release. The setting is on the back of the reconstruction era of the South, in Kentucky.

Will Rogers plays the main character, Judge Billy Priest, which made him a Hollywood star, having worked in a half dozen films that year. The film itself was a box-office smash! Unfortunately a year later he lost his life in a tragic plane crash.

About a decade after Hollywood was spawn, Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry (aka Stepin Fetchit - a characture labeled "the laziest man in the world") allegedly became the first black (Jamaican-Bahamian refugee parents) actor to be given a movie credit, and the first black Hollywood millionaire (for the early 20th century that would equate to over 10 million dollars today, in effect making him a multimillionaire)! Coming from a vaudevillian background & training, he did so while exploiting the stereotypical "negro" persona of his time; much like Jeff Foxworthy achieving fame & fortune with his "You know if you're a REDNECK" routine. Perry broke into Hollywood by being featured in films with some "firsts" during the 1920's, including a film with a black romance subplot ("In Old Kentucky" -1927) and one with an predominantly all-black cast ("Hearts in Dixie" -1929).

With all that being said, Perry was notorious for habitual public disturbances of the peace, but was still given this life-changing opportunity in the 1930's. It's well worth noting that the British Hal Roach even signed him to appear in the classic "Our Gang" series, but only appeared in one ("A Tough Winter") before being suspiciously fired. In 1947 he declared bankruptcy, and in the 60's he became a muzlim while being buddy with Muhammed Ali & Malcom X (see a pattern here) -oi vey, how typical! SMH And speaking of which, he was divorced twice as both of his wives were brutally beaten, going to prison for not paying child support, and separated from his third wife. smh It's also well worth noting that a son of his (a "Black Power" Activist), Donald Lambright, shot & killed about a dozen people on the NJ Turnpike in 1969. wow SMH

"Judge Priest" was remade 2 decades afterwards, as Communist influence in US culture went rampant post WWII (1950's). The reboot was in protest of the lynching scene being removed by FOX in the 30's, likely due to newly established censors that protected younger audiences from previously uninhibited Hollywood projections (see current trends).

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