7 hours ago


So you now have access to the affidavit pdf that you can download and also the audio which I highly recommend listening to many times over so that the information sinks deep into your consciousness where it will begin to rewire your brain and begin the mindset shift required to stand in your own authority.

Here are some valuable video interviews with Baron David Ward to provide you with more information from the man himself:

There are many liens published that can be viewed in the Public Notices Library. Dealing with council tax for instance would involve holding the CEO of the council to account and those
liens can be found in the council employee section of the library. The correspondence that is sent to the claimants can be found in Exhibit A of each published lien so you can select some liens that are downloadable on the bdwfacts site and read through them to get a sense of the process.

Here's a video of BDW talking about the crest and seal.
Your crest and seal can be created quite easily by using Canva. Just make it simple especially the seal which is the design you will be using for your embosser. Embossers cannot be created for complex designs. A site such as this is where you can purchase an embosser and wafers: Company Seals Ltd.

The lien process is only for those who have read and have a good grasp of the affidavit and are ready to use it.
The lien process is where you begin legal proceedings, all on paper, via email or post, where you instruct the claimant to provide the material evidence of their claims.
The court system is not involved, just you on your computer as your own Attorney General. Therefore you will need to have access to a computer and a printer to conduct your own 'court of record' which is the evidence of your formal challenge that will result in a formal agreement that is later published online in locations such as this site.
If you create yourself to be well versed with the basic facts of the affidavit, then you will be able to navigate the waters when it comes to formally challenging individuals who make claims against you. Without proper knowledge of the facts it will be a struggle.

Additionally, if you are currently dealing with a high amount of stress in some way shape or form, it is recommended you overcome that challenge/s first before attempting to take on this work. It does require energy and focus to stand in your own authority, and being in a strong and balanced mindset will lay a solid foundation to do the work involved. A stressed mind cannot take in new information properly.
I recommend to everybody, if you do not already, to take the time to meditate everyday in order to tap into the deep well of peace and calm within. In my opinion, the clarity and focus that comes from meditating every day is just as important as understanding the affidavit and will stand you in good stead to absorb the knowledge and effectively be your own Attorney General.

For those who are on any kind of 'government benefits' such as universal credit etc, know that you would need to take steps to extricate and disentangle yourself from the system before taking on any type of billing claims.
If there is any financial dependence on 'benefits' and you decide to stop being defrauded of council tax, income tax or any other government licensed billing fraud, one of the steps they will take is to subtract the 'debt' they claim is owed, from those benefits. So work towards being financially independent. In the menatime you can always hold to account individuals who are claiming to be MP's or PM.

As you read the affidavit you will begin to comprehend that there is no 'law' and only presumptions of law and that includes Common Law (CL). Nobody has ever collectively agreed to ANY law therefore they hold no legitimacy and no authority. Legal is by agreement. Anything deemed to be legal requires consent and full knowledge. Some people are quite familiar with Common Law when they discover the BDW affidavit but know that the two don't mix. The affidavit has made CL null and void so be willing and prepared to unlearn CL. It does not have the clout some people have believed it does.

Many people write regarding their own personal situations which are often mired in stress and a sense of urgency asking for help. Please know that the BDW affidavit is a groundbreaking legal document that will assist you to stand in your own authority once you comprehend the facts therein. Nobody else can deal with your situation for you, so know that this path is about discovering and strengthening your own innate authority so that you can take control of your life.

If you are someone from a country, other than the UK, Portugal, India or Australia, who wants to use the BDW affidavit you would first need to properly read and comprehend it so you know what the facts are that you are standing with.
The next step is to make the affidavit your own as previous authors have, such as Carla from Portugal. This is something I can assist you with further down the line and would involve you finding out the illegitimate 'Government' in your country's equivalent of; the Companies Act 2006 Execution of documents, Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and the Fraud Act 2006.
You would also need your own crest and seal to insert on each of the relevant pages. Aside from a few minor amendments you leave the content as it is, the facts of the affidavit applies to every 'government' in every country across the planet. Then when it's ready, you can send it to all of the MP's in that 'government' with an instruction that they provide a rebuttal within 28 days. They cannot because the evidence doesn't exist. Once that 28 days timeframe is up, you will have a formal agreement with them to the facts of the affidavit. Then you will have pioneered the use of the most powerful legal document on the planet in your region which other men and women in your country can use.
If you live in Britain you can use the BDW affidavit as it is, do not make any changes whatsoever. Do NOT put your own crest and seal on it, leave it as it is in it's entirety. Baron David Ward put a 2 page public decree at the front of the affidavit so that anybody elsein Britain can use it too. You are simply standing with the facts that have been unrebutted since 2015.

I'll keep you posted if and when I hold a zoom on the subject of the affidavit. I am currently taking a break from hosting zooms. Those in this field do volunteer our time and energy in this work and it isn't possible for each of us to sustain that over long periods of time so there will be breaks that we have from time to time.

There is also a facebook group called Security By Way Of A Lien which Baron David Ward began if you are on there. There are one or two skilled individuals in the SBWL fb group admin who I recommend to look out for if and when they host an affidavit or lien zoom; Scott Herbert and Adrian James. There are no others hosting zooms currently, that I would recommend. There is misinformation being given from some individuals in other fb groups who are not comprehending fully, important details such as what is and isn't a chargeable claim to note in liens etc. They are best to be avoided.
You can also find a lot of information if you use the search bar of SBWL fb page. Search Baron David Ward's name and you will see many posts where he contributed a lot of his energy and knowledge so it is worth diving in and getting a good grasp of the wealth of information that is in there.

If you are on Telegram here is another group:

If you are not on either of those social media groups I encourage you to register on them so you can access more information and more people who are on the same path.

Use these resources to search for clarification on anything you do not understand. I've had people before, sending me reams of questions that they expect me to answer for them. Do not do this. I cannot write what would be an essay in response to people's individual qs.
Do your own research. If you are unsure of something in the affidavit, use a dictionary and/or write the word/subject into the search bar of the affidavit and you will see all the instances where it has been mentioned and you can read through and gather the answer you are looking for. Again, utilise the Security By Way Of A Lien fb group and it's search bar for previous discussions on everything affidavit and lien related. There is a wealth of information written by David Ward himself, who transitioned in 2021, leaving behind an immense legacy for us all to learn from and use.

All the best,

Lynsey - Admin for

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