Khawaja Noor Muhammad | ख्वाजा नूर मुहम्मद महारवी | خواجہ نور محمد مہاروی کی سیرت اور مزار کی تاریخ

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Biography of Khawaja Noor Muhammad Maharvi and the history of his shrine

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders, in informative series videos of Islamic ascolars, sufisaints, cultural heritages, islamic philosophys, islamic mysticisms and historical figures. today we are describing biography of Khawaja Noor Muhammad Maharvi and the history of his shrine.

Khawaja Noor Muhammad Maharvi was a Sufi saint of Chishti Order in Chishtian, Punjab, modern Pakistan.

Maharvi was born in 1746 at Chhotala near Bahawalnagar in the Sikh Empire in a Punjabi Muslim Rajput family of Punwar Kharal tribe. He started his early education in the small village of Mahar Sharif at the age of 4 under the supervision of Masood Mahar, located near Chishtian. On his birth he was named as 'Bahbal', the name Noor Mohammad was later given to him by his Murshid Hazrat Muhib-Un-Nabi. He later pursued his education in Dera Ghazi Khan, Lahore, Delhi, and Pakpatan.

Noor Muhammad pledged his allegiance to Maulana Fakhruddin on February 1752 AD, which made him a member of the Fakhri branch of Chishti Order. In the same year, he arrived at Pakpattan together with Maulana Fakhruddin, which marked the end of his education. Fakhruddin then instructed Maharvi to return to Mahar Sharif and preach to the public.

Maharvi was initially given the name "Bahbal" but was later changed to "Noor Muhammad" by his teacher Maulana Fakhruddin
In Gulshan-e-Ibrar the author Hazrat Imam Baksh Maharvi Rahmatullahi 'alayh writes that Qibla-e-Alam Hazrat Khwaja Noor Muhammad Maharvi Rahmatullahi 'alayh was recognized well before his birth, author narrates that a dervish (Majzoob) used to give respect and stand in the honor of His mother Rahmatullahi 'alayha when she was only a little girl. When asked from the Dervish, he said that he does not give respect to the little girl but to a great Wali whom she will give birth, and whose spirtulaity will light the whole world.

He began his Qur'anic education at the tender age of six, and quickly became a hafiz-e-quran from a Dars in Dera Gazi Khan. From there he moved to Lahore for further thrust of Knowledge and became an alim-e-deen.

After this, he set out on what was to prove a long search for a shaykh, finally finding himself in Dehli in the court of Hazrat Moulana Fakhr Uddin Muhibbun Nabi Rahmatullahi 'alayh.

Becoming a mureed, he found that his love for his shaykh and the internal changes in his heart grew every day of the 35 years that he spent with him.

Initially, Moulana Fakhr Uddin Muhibbun Nabi Dehlvi Rahmatullahi 'alayh gave him a wazifa to read, which he did punctually and wholeheartedly every day for years, although seeing no rewards - either internal or external - for his efforts. After a long time, Moulana Sahib Rahmatullahi 'alayh asked him if he had seen any benefits yet. He replied in the negative. His murshid Hazrat Moulana Fakhar Uddin Dehlvi Muhib-un-Nabi Rahmatullahi 'alayh told him then to reduce his reading of the wazifa, which he promptly did. After another few days, Moulana sahib Rahmatullahi 'alayh again asked if there had been any changes in him, but again he replied that there had not. Then his murshid told him to cease his recitation altogether. Immediately upon stopping the wazifa, he began to notice spiritual changes. Of course, his constant reading with no results was merely a test designed by his murshid in order to increase his discipline.

Khawaja Imam Baksh Maharvi Rahmatullahi 'alayh further writes that his affection with his Murshid Hazrat Muhib Un Nabi Rahmatullahi 'alayh made his murshid have extra attention and love towards him which made some of his fellow students jealous. They came up to Maulana Sahib Rahmatullahi 'alayh one day and said that O Hazrat Do you know that this Punjabi ( Qibla-e- Aalam) belongs to the tribe of famous lover Mirza Kharal who made Sahiban (beautiful girl) to run away with him from his parents house. Moulana Fakhar Uddin Muhib Un Nabi Rahmatullahi 'alayh smiled and said that Punjabi took away the heart of only one girl, my this Punjabi will take away the hearts of millions. Author further narrates that after the departure of Qibla-e-Alam to Maharsharif from Dehli, Moulana Fakhar Uddin Fakhar-e-Jahan Rahmatullahi 'alayh use to say this verse in Poorbi while remembering his beloved disciple.

Khawaja Noor Muhammad Maharvi Rahmatullahi 'alayh s considered as the rivavalist of Chishti order in large and Chishti Nizami order especially in present Pakistan area after Hazrat Baba Farid-Uddin Ganj-e-Shakar Rahmatullahi 'alayh . Almost all the Kanqha's of later order of Chishtiya Nizamiya Sisla are chained through him, the famous among them are Hajipur Sharif, District Rajanpur Pakistan. Hafiz Jamal Ullah Multan Pakistan. Taunsa Sharif, District D.G.Khan, Kot Mithan and Chahrna Sharif, Bahwalpur Pakistan, Mukhad Sharif District Attock Pakistan, Sial Sharif District Sargodha, Golra Sharif,Islamabad Pakistan, Behra Sharif, District Sargodha Pakistan, Marula Sharif, District Attock Pakistan, Jalalpur Sharif District Jhelum Pakistan, Khanqha-e- Habibia South Africa and many many others in India, Pakistan and Middle East.

He attained union on the 3rd Zil Hajj, 1791 in Mahar Sharif. In commentary in Gulshan-e-Ibrar Khawaja Imam baksh Maharvi Rahmatullahi 'alayh grand son of Qibla-e-Alam Rahmatullahi 'alayh writes that once while attending the Jumma prayers at Basti of Baba Taj Sarwar said that he smells the fragrance of love from this place. Thus he was burried in Basti Taj Sarwar which is now known to the world as Chishtian Sharif( City of Chishtis). All the kalipha's (disciples) present at the time of his attaining union asked to leave any Wasiyat (WILL) or Nasihat (Advice) for his Ulad (children), Qibla-e-Alam Rahmatullahi 'alayh said that will for them is that if they kept on respecting the Saadats (decendants of Prophet of Islam Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) and kept on keeping the shoes of Dervishes in order they will not be short of anything in their lives till the time ends.

With this, we seek your permission until tomorrow, tomorrow we will describe the biography of Syed Sultan Mahmoodullah Shah Hussaini and the history of his Shrine. Allah Hafiz.

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