Tooltips Day #11 - Procedural Tooltips

1 month ago

The hard stuff is done . Polish time . We decided for fun that all text on the black eyeliner rim of the UI would be hoverable and clickable . The problem with that is we now have to give consistent interacrion behavior with any symbol that shows up on that eyeliner region .

We dont want to make 256 unique tooltips for every character in they black eyeliner region , so ascii symbols greater than 15 will have their tooltip text procedurally generated .

I hikacked the first 15 positive ascii values for usage as gui_icons . Basically , I took a 16x16 tilemap representing the ascii table and overwrote the top row with custom bitmap graphics representing my gui icons .

Once tooltips are done we move onto JumboTron text display .

The Jumbo Tron can only display 4 letters max and will be used in tutorial videos to make it more obvious to the [ viewer / watcher ] which shortcuts I am using when editing photos with PHOSIMP.C11 .

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