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Psalm 18:19 New King James Version
19 He also brought me out into a broad place;
He delivered me because He delighted in me.

You know guys, I couldn't resist but look up the name Todd Billings from morning’s devotional, and boy did I ever learn a lot! I'm not sure when it was he was diagnosed with this incurable blood cancer, but from what I am seeing in the things that he's doing for the Lord and encouraging others who are going through terminal illnesses, or chronic permanent pain, that god walks beside them, and is bringing them to a beautiful spacious place. I think that's why I find not only this Psalm, but also this morning's devotional so very precious, because I need to remind myself that I can cry out and lament over the chronic permanent nerve pain I’m experiencing, bring everything to the Lord emotionally that I'm feeling, knowing that God not only hears me, and will lead me and guide me in the way He wants me to go. Most of all, because I know Christ as savior I live in a spacious place.

That's why tonight, my friends, I'd like to share what God showed me from this morning scripture, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you will encourage you to see that you can take refuge in God, and allow him to lead you to that same beautiful spacious place. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends, and learn more about this precious promise for yourself! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that these questions will challenge and encourage your heart to see how God can lead you to live in that spacious place too.

What does it mean to you to live in a spacious place?

What are some concrete ways you can put your hope in God today?

I don't know what you're going through right now guys, I want you to know that God understands, knows, feels your pain, and wants you to reach out to Him, and let Him lead you and guide you to that spacious, beautiful place He has for you. Know that God walks beside you through all the rocky roads, deep valleys, fires, storms, floods, all the chaos that life brings, and will give you victory over it all. You may not see the victory immediately, or even in your lifetime, but know that God will give that victory to you. The best part is in it, He'll teach you things that you never thought possible through it and turn you into a beautiful jewel for Him. Just know that you can not only cry out too, but take refuge in God, asking Him to lead you and guide you in the way He wants you to go where He will take you to a beautiful and spacious place in Him!



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