1 Hour of Uplifting Piano Church Hymns with Lyrics | Instrumental Worship Music | Lily Topolski

1 month ago

This hour-long collection of piano solos from Lily Topolski includes 18 beloved hymns of the church. "1 Hour of Uplifting Piano Church Hymns" also displays lyrics to encourage the listener as they consider the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on their behalf and praise Him through song.

"What must I do to be saved?" https://lilytopolskimusic.com/thegospel

To listen to one hour of peaceful piano music on other platforms, visit: https://ffm.to/hhpv2-lt

SHEET MUSIC for these hymns, arranged for solo piano, can be found on our website at: https://lilytopolskimusic.com

00:00 Jesus Paid It All
02:23 At the Cross (Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed?)
05:47 Be Thou My Vision
08:52 Come, Christians, Join to Sing
11:39 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
13:31 He Leadeth Me
15:51 Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
19:05 The Old Rugged Cross
23:07 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
28:31 Holy, Holy, Holy!
31:01 O Worship the King Medley
34:14 How Can I Keep from Singing?
37:54 Softly and Tenderly
41:28 Our Great Savior (Jesus, What a Friend for Sinners)
45:22 How Firm a Foundation
47:41 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
50:29 There Is a Fountain
53:07 Since I Have Been Redeemed
55:59 Until Then

Arrangements: Lily Topolski

Peaceful & Relaxing Piano Background Music for Sleep, Rest, or Study | Piano Instrumental Worship Music with Lyrics

#pianohymns #relaxing #peaceful #hymns #piano #churchhymns #backgroundmusic

©2025 Lily Topolski Music

Lily Topolski Music is a ministry aimed at providing encouragement through recordings of instrumental hymns and sheet music for pianists of all ages and levels, from elementary to advanced. There are many different types of Christian piano music on this channel including traditional hymns, spirituals, Psalms, gospel songs, modern hymns, worship choruses, and more.

FREE sheet music: https://LilyTopolskiMusic.com/Free

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