💰🗝 TREASURY ISLAND 🎭 or A U S T R A L I A ?? Part 1

6 days ago

So what OR more precisely, WHERE IS AUSTRALIA? Let's see.. shall we investigate this together? TheTruthWillSetYouFree...
If anyone has updated information on Rohan Lorian's welfare, please can you update the rest of us 🙏
Ps if i find more i will post here also..
Mirrored from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR-a9hfLN0E
I found this article online: https://www.pressreader.com/similar/281573767852015 which to me seems to be as vague and fabricated as the BS they continually bombard the 45th POTUS with.. and nothing they have fabricated so far has been proven anything else but the BS it IS !! I assume they are after Rohan bcz he is getting too much information out there.. just like they did to Stephen Harrison of Warwick.. still smh over that horrific incident!! What is the real truth about that one? Or, the 3 from this story: https://www.bitchute.com/video/EOyR9dR3A923/
Watch Part 2: https://rumble.com/v6gucij-treasury-island-part-2-deeper-explanation.html?mref=1pgo5g&mc=4xlx0

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