Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Skyrocket in Covid-Vaxxed Children | Deaths Among Young Americans Skyrocket, "Experts" Baffled | Document linked in the description box BELOW the video

5 days ago

Deaths among young adult Americans have surged to historic highs, with so-called “experts” supposedly baffled by the root cause of skyrocketing mortality rates.
According to an alarming new study, deaths of Americans aged 25-44 spiked to 70 percent above the expected rate in 2023.
The researchers behind the study suggest that deaths caused by drug overdoses, suicides, and alcohol-related issues may be responsible for the rise.
However, the researchers, led by Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, associate professor of sociology and associate director at Minnesota Population Center, are apparently stumped by what other mysterious causes could be killing so many healthy young people.
The peer-reviewed study, published in JAMA Network Open, examined over 3.3 million deaths of Americans aged 25–44 between 1999 and 2023.
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