Flat Earth Early Bird 2195 Natural Born Esotericist, Antarctic Celestial Sphere Behavior & Stuck in a Wormhole; deal with it!

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- This show is dedicated as warm up and morning talking table on what's happening with Flat Earth in your life, dreams, politics, history, conspiracy, psychology, alternative medicine and anything else interesting that comes up. I regularly interact with the chat during the live stream, take questions from chat and am available for taking on live guests.

#Arwijn, #FlatEarthEarlyBird, #FlatEarth, #ShapeOfTheEarth, #BlackSwan, #MEFA, #Cosmogonist, #NonLocalHolographicAngularManifestations, #AlternativeHistory, #CymaticArchitecture, #HydroElectricPyramids, #Giants, #Tartaria, #HealthyDiet, #VirusesAreLies, #AlternativeMedicine, #GermanNewMedicine, #RudolphSteiner, #PathofChrist, #Eclectic, #SpiritMechanics, #TheTechnique #EsotericChristian, #GodIsTruth, #SatanIsLies, #CuckChristians, #TrumpIsAShill, #Geopolitics, #Globalism, #Eugenics, #Intolerance, #SmokersRightsParty, #QuarantineGovernment, #ExecuteMarxistRevolutionaries, #GeoEngineering, #Chemtrails, #AkashicRecord, #AgeOfAquarius, #DarkWorldVision, #Heliocentrism, #ScienceReligion, #NASA, #SecretSpaceProgram, #Aliens, #Illuminati, #Occultism, #AbundantEnergy, #BackToFarming, #OwenBenjamin, #Beartaria

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