24-7-Life-Saving-News-Enter not into the path of the wicked & go not in the way of evil men

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Americans have been brain washed, into taking bio weapons for vaccines, Falling in love with the people sent to rob & kill them !
News-Truth-words-Music .
And the actions we must take to vote our self out of this enslavement !
We are the people who got robbed !
37 Trillion was not a dime wasted-it was stolen !
Like -Gov-DeSantis answers question -on-x-Stating 60% of votes can repeal property taxes in the state of Florida but this law also applies to all other states! The taxes we are paying are actually county taxes on our property. The taxes aren't federal their by the county Which would give relief to millions of people who got robbed 37 trillion! When we have nut job politicians teaming up with 37 trillion in fraud or waste, who want to keep going till its 47 trillion? The treason of the no borders,debt ,shows the lack of care for USA-
God sent Trump back to finish the job !
We get the best Breaking-News from the best podcasts in America because the truth makes U.S.A. free!!
Plus Main steam-OF B.S-Tv media is paid to lie to us ! With our hard earned taxes !
About vaccines Obama & Joe Jfk ,US-AID-Tuskegee shooting up poor white & black-people from 1960 like my mom & dad little brothers all victims of this de-pop game-! Stand !
“Don’t bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we’re in "
The Message bible for Americans !
We find the truth in A crooked world that needs truth to make it free!
Calling out vaccines as bio weapons from 1965-to now !
Giving kids 4 day tested vax today=at birth for what reason ? Tell Trump #End it !
“The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?”
24-7 head line News-Music-at times words !
The Basic instructions before leaving earth !
Truth will lead you to walk the walk on the path !
Or as you know it the Bible!
If you not sure if God is real please look for it like you would gold or silver its live or the second death first death is a joke !
Bible.com the message bile made for Americans ! Plays it for you no excuse !
Read it-in 3 days to save your soul !

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