Tuesday Morning Briefing (Feb. 4, 2025)

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This morning it would be great to talk through:

“Arkansas' UMC bishop says dehumanization of immigrants "does not align with lives of faith in Jesus Christ” by the Magnolia Reporter - https://www.magnoliareporter.com/news_and_business/opinion/article_890b073e-e0ea-11ef-b412-571a44c77bb4.html

“Episcopal bishop lectures Trump while earning taxpayer millions to bring migrants into US” by Don Barnett of the NY Post - https://nypost.com/2025/01/31/opinion/episcopal-bishop-lectures-trump-while-earning-taxpayer-millions-to-bring-migrants-into-us/?

“Request For Disaffiliation Info: West Virginia United Methodist Bishop Responds” by Sarah Stewart of Juicy Ecumenism - https://juicyecumenism.com/2025/02/03/west-virginia-united-methodist-bishop-response-disaffiliation/?

Meunier advocates for “Old School” Methodist theology - “The need for Old School Methodist theology” - https://johnmeunier.wordpress.com/2025/02/01/the-need-for-old-school-methodist-theology/

Quapaw Quarter UMC Calls for Resistance to Federal Government - “Little Rock priest calls for resistance to Trump in fiery sermon” by Griffin Coop of the Arkansas Times - https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2025/01/19/little-rock-priest-calls-for-resistance-to-trump-in-fiery-sermon - Video of Speech - https://youtu.be/Lx7A7zJhfUA?si=tSZbFW2YjScPaOtU

Christians, even Mainline, Leaving Support for Gay Marriage - “There's Been a Backlash Against Same-Sex Marriage Among a Growing Group of Christians” by Ryan Burge - https://www.graphsaboutreligion.com/p/a-significant-number-of-christians


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