Cube Roots - 6th Grade Math, Maybe?

1 month ago

Don’t watch the square roots episode:
Part one on exponents:
Part two on exponents:

0:12 Definition Time
0:26 Twenty Seven
0:42 Sixty Four
1:12 Two Hundred Sixteen
1:29 Community Challenge
1:38 Sixty
2:08 Three Forty Three
(Greater Gator’s Class) Negative Eight
(Greater Gator’s Class) Negative One Twenty Five

In the last episode, thankfully it didn’t require some Herculean effort to wrap our heads around the square root, and in this episode, it's even easier dealing with cube roots. What the deuce?! Don't worry, if you waded in the deep end before, you'll be right as rain this time around. So, don't watch the episode on cubing numbers, because this is the complementary episode, and you might just be the first to tackle the community challenge…

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Job 38:4-5

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