The Raw Deal (27 Dec 2024) with co-host John Carman and Special Guest, Sasha Latypova

5 days ago

Michael Ivey suggested my featured guest, Sasha Latypova, who is an expert on mRNA technology, and who walked us through the intricacies of setting up the fake "pandemic," and gaining EUA (emergency use authorization), which does not even require any clinical trials (that, in this instance, would have exposed the lethal jab as a bio-weapon for depopulatio). It was a fascinating conversation with four callers: Keith, Patrice, Brian, and Brew.

The stories with which we began were as follows:
Martin Armstrong, Why & When NATO Treaty Should be Terminated to Prevent WWIII

Norwegian Vessel REFUSED ASSISTANCE to Sinking Russian Ship in Mediterranean Sea Medvedev;'s reply:

Syria Today, Iran Tomorrow, and Inevitably China

Sasha Latypova's Subsctack - "Due Diligence and Art:"

Here are two (loose) transcriptions from the 2nd hour of the show:

“Sasha, do you regard virology as a legitimate area of science?”

“No, is not a legitimate science. Virology is BS — it’s mostly an area of psychological operations in order to justify what they’re doing here. They say, “Oh, we can militarize viruses” — no, we can’t. I can have a 2-hour discussion about the scientific reasons why it’s not possible and has never been possible. So like thing that they advertise as being “serial passage of viruses to make them more lethal and more spreadable” — there is literature stemming back to the 1930s both in the US and in Russia, showing that you can serially passage [cultures in a lab] but you’re never going to have a more spreadable virus. You can make poison that way, but you can’t make a “flying ebola” — they still don’t have a flying ebola no matter what they do.

“What they DO do, is go to these remote locations like Africa or Ukraine of maybe China and they inject animals and people with poison. Once they’re poisoned, they call it an “epidemic of ebola.” Then they collect these villagers and whatever their bodies are expelling, they collect the samples. And they bring those samples back home and they conduct experiments on animals and orphaned children, like Fauci did. So that’s what they do — they can collect samples of toxins and they can inject them.

“Yes, they create the pandemic with injectable pathogens — there are no “flying” pathogens. They may be able to aerosolize something, but it will likely be chemical, not biological because biological things get denatured and they fall apart very quickly — especially outside. But let’s say that, on a subway, they can aerosolize some chemical and spray it on people and simulate symptoms — cough, sneezing, temperature — then they say, “No, it’s a deadly virus!”

“And that’s what virology is used for — it’s for creating these hoaxes, these narratives, and then Hollywood makes a lot of movies about it, like “Outbreak,” “Contagion” and video games and all that so that people are constantly in a state of fear about this B.S.”

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