Find The Problem, Be The Solution

13 days ago

Is your teenager unsure of what direction they want to go in? Are they talented creatives, technological phenoms, athletic hopefuls? Maybe they want to own their own business. Our guest, Shatiera Porte’e made a business out of guiding our youth onto an easier path of navigating their future.

Shatiera Porte’e travels the world counseling, programming, guiding and helping both students and educational institutions to better serve their student’s futures. What does that look like? Aren’t their already guides in the school system? Sadly, a good chunk of our education system is broken and undeserving our youth, Shatiera (a former BOE employee) saw the problem and realized that in order to fix it, she had to operate outside the confines of the bureaucracy.

Join us as we dive into how she does it. Maybe you’ll be the next big thing by just solving a problem your employer has.

For more information on Shatiera’s organization visit

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#womenownedbusiness #minorityowned #entrepreneurs #education #counseling #smallbusiness

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