Trigger Warning for Lukewarm Christians! | Jesus' Physical Appearance #biblical #jesus #christian

1 month ago

Absolute Inaccuracy of the Modern-Day Depiction of Jesus Christ
by Jacob Alexander - Minister @GospelofRAK

Was Jesus a white man with long hair, blue eyes, and a full beard?

• NO! Jesus was not a white man. Being born in Bethlehem then soon after fleeing to Egypt to escape the wrath of King Herod, then immigrating back to Nazareth after the death of King Herod. He was most likely quite tan or brown skinned, had dark physical traits (i.e. his hair and eyes). Making Jesus a tan or brown skinned man with dark hair and dark eyes.
• Following Moses Law, Jesus would have had a full beard if his genetics and age permitted. Although, it is important to remember Jesus was crucified at the age of 33 and started His ministry at age 30 (which entails that a full beard may not have been possible in its completion yet).
• As far as Jesus having long hair as modern-day images portray, He never would have had hair that reached past his eye brows and/or collar bone as Jewish Law does not permit men to have long hair. In fact, only one man in the Bible was given the right to have long hair (Samson) which God specifically told Samson’s parents that his strength would be in his hair, and that he should never cut it.
o A common misconception is that because Samson was a Nazarite and Jesus was from Nazareth that Jesus would have also had long hair, but Nazarites were not from Nazareth and Jesus was not a Nazarite.
o The difference is important to show that long hair was not permitted for Him. As Jesus was a physical example of the way a man is meant to not only look, but also dress.
o Jesus’ appearance from the Prophecy of Isaiah in Chapter 53 tells us that Jesus was an ordinary man, average, and not beautiful to lay eyes on. Yet, Jesus is depicted in modern-day images as being overly beautiful in appearance.

Where did the idea of the modern-day image of Jesus originate?

• Before 300 AD Jesus was depicted by early Christian artists as a man with short hair and some form of beard which would conclude that He did in fact abide by Jewish Law.
• Augustine in about 400 AD “reimagined” the depiction of Jesus as a light skinned man, with light eyes, and with hair past his shoulders and a full beard. This was done to portray Jesus as beautiful and perfect in physical appearance. On the contrary His beauty was within, and his appearance was not at all related to the perfection of His Spirit which was achieved through His sufferings as stated in the gospel.
• Russia Icons in the 14-16th centuries started portraying Jesus further as a white man, with light (blue) eyes, long hair, a full beard and often with a “halo” around His head to deceive further the appearance of Him.
o These depictions have been in full force and is now accepted world-wide as the “true appearance” of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

What do the scriptures say about the appearance of Jesus?

• Isaiah 53:2-3:
2 And he shall grow up as a tender plant before him, and as a root out of a thirsty ground: there is no beauty in him, nor comeliness: and we have seen him, and there was no sightliness, that we should be desirous of him:
3 Despised, and the most abject of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with infirmity: and his look was as it were hidden and despised, whereupon we esteemed him not.
• It is important to remember that the four gospels and the rest of the New Testament give absolutely zero physical representation of Jesus Christ.

What did Jesus truly look like?
• Concluding from the above stated scriptures and referencing history, Jesus was more than likely a tan/brown skinned man, with short brown hair, and a beard. He looked ordinary in comparison to his peers, and was NOT easy to pick out of a crowd.
• Jesus beauty as well as perfection were both internal, not external. Proving the modern-day images we now use to portray Jesus Christ as manipulated and untrue.

#scripture #biblical #holyspirit #jesus #minister #jesusappearance #jesusimage

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