🎀CALM MORNING CLEAN WITH ME 🎀 // Sunday Homemaking Reset ❄️ Winter Makeup Routine

1 month ago

🎀CALM MORNING CLEAN WITH ME 🎀 // Sunday Homemaking Reset ❄️ Winter Makeup Routine
00:03 - 00:53
This weekend morning I'm trying to figure out if I need to declutter throughout the house, definitely clean up or get to work. What are your thoughts? And while we're thinking about what we're gonna do today, I know for sure we're gonna do a little bit of a morning get ready with me. I'm gonna do some stretching or at least attempt to cause Bruno's just not gonna let me we're gonna kind of reset my kitchen with a little stove clean that I do every Sunday. I'm going to also clean up and tidy the kitchen. We're going to dye a dress and I think we're gonna go outside and do a little bit of a backyard cleanup which we are also long overdue for. This one loves to be picked up so Dorothy we have a lot to do today so buckle up, grab some coffee, grab your cleaning supplies and let's do a little clean and tidy with me


Honeybee Gardens Nude Renaissance Pallette
Honeybee Gardens Blush

Honeybee Gardens, single eyeshadow

Turn Your Morning Routine Around

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About Me: I’m a writer, and working actress. I enjoy doing lifestyle content!
I’ve got my gardening attempts, diy’s, fashion, decluttering, + all the homemaking vibes. I’ll still be posting writing content I.e. Writing & Productivity Livestreams each week, plus bonus Weekly Live Events, [Camp Nano - April, Camp Nano - July-errrr, not sure where that’s at momentarily. Still processing their “ AI announcement.” And their “ai backlash response” announcement.] and of course my next book release is due out very soon!
Stay tuned!

TWEET THIS VIDEO: https://youtu.be/QNB-d02fzLU

Are you an author looking for air time to promote you and your book? We’re taking submissions for Seasons 2 & 3! Email me for a spot for 2025: admin@ritaslanina.com
ARMCHAIR CHATS PLAYLIST: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtVvpCVzJt344SruuuW9R0adm4JgPeQqv&si=hY6QbfzapE1NulqE

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YouTube Video URL: https://youtu.be/QNB-d02fzLU
PLAYLIST: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtVvpCVzJt37p0LhhwGKEhlrX_EZBxwE5&si=rYZNcWJf-Yg-IL5F

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