Does SPEAKING in TONGUES still Exist? | Sam Shamoun

1 month ago

Christian Sam Shamoun Shamounian talks about is the gifts of the holy spirit still possible to be done today in a church to a believer in Jesus such as speaking in tongues and whether it was just a thing for the apostles and the people they witnesses to or do these powers still exist today in the church in order to testify miracles that the bible is true and Jesus is alive

(New Testament / Old Testament)
1 Corinthians 13 verses 1 and 2

0:00 guest background
0:56 Gifts of the holy spirit for believers
2:55 Is it still possible to speak in tongues today?
5:21 What is speaking in tongues?
6:38 is tongues only in human languages?
8:45 Advice about interpreting scriptures

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