What is the FALL of SATAN? | Sam Shamoun

1 month ago

Christian Sam Shamoun Shamounian talks about the fall of Satan and how did it start and what is his judgment often people think that the person Isaiah and Ezekiel is talking about the devil because of him falling and they attribute this to him being casted out of heaven, but contest, it is talking about the king of Babylon and the rulers that were historical that were evil prosecuting people, and eventually being taken over by someone else and letting their kingdom fall, and it can be a way that people can use as a symbol representation of how Satan works in to these people in order to spread evil and eventually their judgment coming

(New Testament / Old Testament)
Isaiah 14 verse 12 to 15
Ezekiel 20 verses 11 to 19
Daniel 10 verse 13 to 21
Ephesians 6 verse 12
1 Timothy 3 verse 6

0:00 does isaiah and ezekiel talk about satan?
2:27 What does bible say about evil rulers
5:32 Is there anything explicit about the fall of satan?
6:27 The judgement of satan in revelation

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