Why did God WRESTLE with Jacob and LOSE? | Sam Shamoun

1 month ago

Christian Shamounian Sam Shamoun goes over in the Bible in the old testament on why God lost to Jacob when being wrestled in the Bible and Genesis at face value we see that it looks like a human overpower God, but this is not the case in order forgot to show Jacob a lesson. He made him struggle enough to put up a fight, but not too easy enough to let them win instantly in order to show a greater meeting that he would not get his real blessing until he fully devote himself to it because Jacob his whole life has been running away from his problems instead of fighting them in in order for it to be reversed got to intervene in order for a change to happen in this angel who appearing happens to be God we know in the New Testament since he takes on a human appearance that was visible to them and now we can flesh in the New Testament bible.

(New Testament / Old Testament)
Genesis 34 verses 22 to 32

0:00 Did God lose to Jacob wrestling
1:53 What was the point of God losing to jacob
2:59 Jacob getting blessing from issac
6:11 Jacobs Deceiving past coming back to him
10:32 What is the story of Jacob depicting
12:02 When did Jacob receive the blessing
14:19 What did God teach Jacob by wrestling
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