#84 | CNN's Drunken New Year, the Gorilla Channel, Racist IHOP Pancakes | Beauty & Beta

1 month ago

Show streamed live on Jan 7, 2018
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Sweet Child O Mine Remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6ekYr4ouKQ
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": http://bit.ly/2fu9qUO
"Dog Park" and "Odahviing" written and performed by AENEAS: http://bit.ly/2sibPZ7

Brash's art: http://bit.ly/2ACqjCT
Facepalm's art: http://bit.ly/2ACDG60
Hypatia Ascent's art: http://bit.ly/2ADd9FE
Lady tries to get Ted Cruz to say "socialism will win": http://bit.ly/2ADuG0a
The Jeopardy "Gangsta's Paradise" incident: http://bit.ly/2CBzklm Coolio responds: http://bit.ly/2AClzgc
The actual song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6voHeEa3ig
Lactatia modeling scandal: http://bit.ly/2ADbkse
CNN's weed segments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZnPHW5z5vM
Brook's balls are bigger than Don's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFtzJRO2oU8
Original Clay Travis 'boobs' segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcWOQKbEPD0
Clay Travis issues his challenge: http://bit.ly/2ABm3Dn
Couple fakes engagement to shout they love boobs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPn1vlpfkh4
CNN publishes the engagement as real: http://bit.ly/2CPvSnk
Brooke and Don tell everyone how sober they are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4kb8NbMCt8
Michael Wolff on the Today show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REEg6Jwmp6s
Wolff's BBC Radio interview: http://bbc.in/2CPQLyS
MSNBC says the spirit of the book is true: http://bit.ly/2CLHcRb
The Gorilla Channel story: http://bit.ly/2CLtuhv
Gorilla Channel wins big at the Golden Globes: http://bit.ly/2AClbhR
Megyn Kelly's segment on white supremacism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpkU6skEW7c
David Duke says it's okay to be white: http://bit.ly/2ACixJ6
David Duke has praise for Kelly's piece on the confederate flag: http://bit.ly/2CBBe5u
HuffPost's hit piece on Paul Nehlen: http://bit.ly/2CO6zlq
Racist IHOP pancakes: http://bit.ly/2ADAyqp
Lauren Southern's coverage of the Count Dankula trial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-qXSZ_IP4A
Count Dankula's update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVs6X7_UqAQ
Keith Ellison endorses Mark Bray's Antifa book: http://bit.ly/2ADsrKj
Mark Bray on Meet the Press: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_egmWWO2xLc
Mark Bray at Berkeley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBLrI3WGsWc
Newsweek bemoans "racist and anti-muslim backlash" to Ellison: http://bit.ly/2CMhJqZ
California's sanctuary state signs: http://washex.am/2ADOkZX

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