Are you jobless part-01 | کیا آپ بیروزگار ہیں؟ پارٹ۱

1 month ago

کیا آپ بیروزگار ہیں؟ ہماری ویڈیو سیریز کو فالو کریں اور سیکھیں کہ نوکری کیسے ڈھونڈی جا سکتی ہے اور آپ میں کون سی صلاحیت اور خوبیاں ہونی چاہئیں جو نوکری کو خود آپکے دروازے تک کھینچ کے لے آئیں

• The text discusses the issue of unemployment in Pakistan, especially among youth.

• Around 65% of Pakistan's population is under 30 years of age and around 14.25 crore people are under 30.

• Many youth are looking for jobs but jobs are not available in the market.

• The author tells a story of a boy who fails to bring potatoes to his father on time as an example of people who lack value for employers.

• The author says people looking for jobs often give excuses and stories instead of bringing value.

• Employers only want their work done and problems solved, they don't have time for excuses.

• The author advises focusing on bringing "potatoes" - actually doing the work assigned - instead of excuses.

• The author says following these tips and watching the video series could help get employment within a month.

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