Oak Hill Church of Christ 2-2-25 Message: "Caught In The Land of In Between"

1 month ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the inspiring power of living life victoriously.

Life has plenty of setbacks and struggles. Plenty of our problems from day to day exist outside of our control, presenting us with strife which we cannot end on our own.

The Bible shows us that when God chose to deliver the Hebrews from Egypt, He did so in distinct periods of time. To us as readers, the paragraphs transition with a short shift of our eyes as we read, but to those who were living their deliverance, they were waiting decades between sentences.

As latter-day believers, we have the fortune of hindsight to see that God kept His promises to the Hebrews. He did give them the land He promised. However, the behavior of the delivered Hebrews in the wilderness, by Moses' account suggests that they still experienced doubt, frustration, anger, and more, because for them, God was not doing His part.

Sometimes, we can find ourselves behaving in the same way. We know that God keeps His promises, but it feels like He's not keeping them to US, and that's what we find frustrating. We live feeling short-changed and swindled, frustrated by a deliverer who is sure taking his time to make his heroic appearance on the stage of our lives.

The Bible suggests that, since we can't change God's timing, what we can do is change our mindset about it. Don't live abandoned, live anticipating the rescue.

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