Return of the Police M4, testing extreme long-range for Legendary #Gameplay #Division2 #WZ #RTX4070

5 days ago

There is no greater damage DEBUFF in Division 2 than shooting at a target 20 to 25+ meters past a weapon's Optimal Range. This is why the new weapon mods (+50% Optimal Range) and the new Legatus brand set can be SO powerful. This video is another extreme long-range test... this time of the Police M4.

Would you rather have 20% Amplified Damage or greater Optimal Range allowing your weapon to inflict full damage out to 50, 60, 80, or even 100 meters? This is the topic my video hopes to explore.

In this video, I'm testing the Police M4. The Police M4 was once one of the meta ARs in the early months of Division 2, then it got overshadowed by the Famas, St. Elmo's Engine, F2000, and now the Lexington.

But TODAY it seems to be one of the best extreme long-range Legendary killer weapons when combined with the Ranger talent and Optimal Range mods.

Only four ARs in Divsion 2 have enough natural Weapon Handling that they shoot bullets like a laser (unmodded) past 80 to 90 meters. These are St. Elmo's Engine, Carbine 7, Honey Badger, and the Police M4. Except for St. Elmo's Engine, the ARs can combine Optimal Range mods with the Ranger talent. This gives them a whopping 20% to 50% amplified damage just for shooting targets between 40 and 100 meters.

Lexington is still pretty good, and I would switch to it if targets were consistently closer than 50 meters.

As the video shows, the Police M4 (with Optimal Range mods + Ranger talent) very quickly slaughters Legendary enemies, as long as you stay far away, ~60+ meters I still can't decide if the Carbine 7 is better than the Police M4, though the latter does have an edge... slightly longer range and slightly higher rate of fire.

Keep in mind, the new range modifiers are warping the results, but I'm quite confident the Police M4 will perform just as well without the modifiers. Any of the three ARs -- Police M4, Carbine 7, and Honey Badger -- should perform well as an extreme long-range Legendary killer.

And as mentioned, Lexington has decent accuracy that falls away at very long ranges. I would switch to it if enemies were consistent closer than 40-50 meters.

#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ #RTX4070

Current Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: Sleipnir (CHC 3rd Attribute)
Secondary Weapon: Police M4 (CHC, Ranger)
Pistol: Busy Little Bee (DTOOC 3rd Attribute)

Mask: Striker's Battlegear (CHC)(Explosive Resistance)(Blue Core)
Chest: Striker's Battlegear (CHC)(Explosive Resistance)(Blue Core)
Holster: Striker's Battlegear (Explosive Resistance)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Striker's Battlegear (Explosive Resistance)(Blue Core)
Gloves: Belstone Armory (CHD)(Explosive Resistance)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Sawyer's Kneepads

Crusader/Striker Shield
Revive Hive

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