The Murder of Salwan Moika

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The Islamic “Holy Book”: The Quran needs an affirmative action program to protect it. The fact that it is laced with 100s of admonitions compelling Muslims to commit violence on non-believers prompted an Iraqi – who fled ISIS and the barbaric slaughtering during their reign of terror, to burn openly the book that inspired this barbarism. Now, since this burning of the book (the Quran) that prompted the violence and slaughtering of countless apostates and infidels across Iraq, Syria and the globe has now prompted some believer in the book to follow its teaching to commit violence on a non-believer; Salwan Momika.
Last week some scum bag follower of the false prophet of Islam, Muhammad, knocked on the door of Salwan when he was doing a live stream on Tic Tok and shot and killed him when he answered it. The Swedish police responded and did nothing.
It is 2025, not 632. This has got to stop. This week we are going to pull out every stop to insult Islam, Muhammad and anyone who believes that the murder of Salwan Momika was justified. Why insult? Because they have insulted the sensibilities of what is right and what is wrong. If these murderous followers of Muhammad think that they can intimidate people into silence, they are wrong. We are not going to provide the Quran, Islam r Muhammad an “affirmative action” program to protect them when they get their feeling hurt!!!
If you are interested in participating on the show, please email me and I will send you the streamyard link. ( If not, you can watch the show following the listed youtube link.
The show starts at 5:30PM (Central Standard Time) February 3rd, 2025.
Enjoy the show.
Shalom – Eric

Voice of the Martyrs:
Twitter: @ericthekafir

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