Mycology Mondays #88 The Purpose of The Break 💔 n Shake 🤝

1 month ago

In this video I explain the entire purpose
Of the Break 💔 n Shake 🤝, which is to
Create multiple points of Inoculation
Within the Grain itself.

I do 6 Ziploc Tek 🌾 Grain bag
Break n Shake #1 at week#1.
I do BnS every Week at the weekly mark.

Matty's MAGICal Mycology Mondays
Episode #88 - In The 🪄 Magic✨ Mush - Room 🍄

Come For The Info &
Stay For The *TRIP*
Content Creator,
The FunGuy Mad-Mycologist Matty C 🥼🧫🍄

Thanks to My Sponsor
Maggie Amy McKenii @FCS -
Fungi Culture Store
4 the Best in Magic ✨ Mycology 🍄
Liquid Culture🧪🧫🍄 Genetics 🧬

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