2/3/25 we pray in peace, our prayers win.❤️

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America: Two Words — Landmarks Will Be Shaken!
February 3, 2025 Veronika West

Last night, a friend sent me a link to a broadcast by Amanda Grace and although I typically don’t have time to listen to her broadcasts, I was struck by the timing of something she shared.

Mount Rushmore
She mentioned Mount Rushmore, but didn’t elaborate on it.
What really got my attention was that I had recently been reviewing past prophetic archives from February — a practice I engage in regularly.
In that review, I came across a specific Prophetic Word that God gave me in February 2021, which addressed both President Biden and Mount Rushmore.
Additionally, I found a second Prophetic Word that spoke about Mount Rushmore in relation to President Trump — dated July 2022.
In light of what Amanda Grace has shared, I feel impressed by The Holy Spirit to present these two Words again, as confirmation that God is indeed alerting Watchmen to remain vigilant over these “significant landmarks”.
Check out these two Words. Both Prophetic Words Speak to Mount Rushmore.
Please also take note of the dates!
1. Biden and a Demonic Blood Covenant – February 17, 2021

Vision: Demonic Blood Covenant
February 17, 2021 Veronika West

“Watch! For now the balancing act will begin for those who seek to take the Throne!”
This evening the following News headline was brought to my attention. (See picture below)
As I looked at the headline, suddenly, I heard The Holy Spirit say… ”And so the Balancing Act has begun… But Watch and Pay! For one who sold his soul to Satan for the highest seat in the land, will soon be chewed up and spat out, and the angel of death will pass over, and the Queen of Hearts Harris will seek to sit upon the Throne and rule with an iron fist!”
Please see the dream I shared recently that I believe confirms what we are beginning to see unfold.
Please see HKP link to read the full dream;
“The Joker; The Queen and The King’s Stolen Crown“
And part quote;
“I watched as the Joker and The Queen of Hearts ran towards each other and the Joker handed the Gold Crown to The Queen of Hearts and she proceeded to climb upon the Jokers shoulder.
Then I heard these words, “Watch! For now the balancing act will begin for those who seek to take the Throne.”
As I heard those Words, I watched as the Joker tried to balance The Queen of Hearts upon his shoulders and The Queen of Hearts tried to balance the heavy Gold Crown upon her head.
I saw that in the midst of all the chaos that taking place, the King remained standing before his Throne and the Lion kept walking around the borders of the Arena.
I watched as the both the Joker and the Queen tried desperately to gain and maintain their balance as they walking together around the Arena, but I watched as their movements became more and more challenging, especially for the Joker, as the long and heavy dress of the Queen kept falling down and covering the Jokers face.
The dress blinding him and hindered him from moving forward easily. I saw that the Joker’s legs were quickly beginning to get weaker under the weight of the Queen and the heavy Gold Crown and they began to stagger across the floor of the Arena.
But as I watched this strange and almost undignified balancing act take place…”
On a Separate Note!
“A Blood Covenant with Satan to try to seal a lasting legacy carved in stone!”
At the right time I will share in full a powerful encounter I had recently with The LORD, where I was shown that Joe Biden cut a Blood Covenant with Satan so that he would be given the highest seat in the nation.
(I was shown a secret satanic coven of witches that assisted him with this.)
But this Blood Covenant that he made with Satan opened up a powerful demonic portal over his life, giving Satan even greater access to infiltrate the Democratic Party, and certain parts of the Republican Party.
Then, I saw a very strange thing — which I will share in more detail as The LORD gives me liberty.
But I saw Satan take Joe Biden to a mountainside. It was a place where the faces of former presidents have been carved into the rock [Mount Rushmore] and when I saw this place, I saw a satanic high-place that has been established in that specific territory. (I saw a Demonic Throne in this place.)
As I looked at Joe Biden standing on that mountainside, I heard Satan promise him that if he would sell his soul and the birthright of the nation to him, then he would give Joe Biden a lasting legacy carved in stone and the wealth and riches of many nations!
After this powerful encounter, I truly fear for all those who have given support to this man.
I saw so clearly in this encounter (again I will share more when I am given liberty), but those who have aligned themselves with this illegitimate king will become partakes in the demonic destruction that is to come to this man’s life in the days ahead.
I saw Satan trap him, use him and then utterly destroy him, and the Demonic Portal that was opened when the Blood Covenant was made, has given Satan full legal right and access to touch the lives of all those who have aligned themselves with this man!
“Watch! For specific landmarks will be shaken — a sign of a divine dismantling taking place!”
In this encounter I was also shown other ‘specific landmarks in the nation’ where the enemy has also built and established Thrones of Satanic Witchcraft which has caused the land to become demonically locked up.
In those areas, this demonic land locking has resulted in many ministries failing in those areas; very high suicide rates in young people and high death rates through sickness and infirmity.
It has also ushered in powerful demonic activity that has caused the very land itself to become infertile and barren.
But as I was shown these things in the encounter, I saw a great and sudden divine dismantling coming to these specific areas.
A sign that this is beginning to take place will be seen when a great shaking of the soil happens and some of these landmarks will be effected. Watch, as it will be reported in the news.

” A simultaneous move of The Spirit: ”The Stone will fly, and the Sword will fall, and The Scales of Justice and Righteousness will shift and tip!”
In the early hours of this morning, I was suddenly awoken to these Words, ”Watch! For his legacy for Life and Liberty, Truth and Justice will be set in Stone, and his face will be etched in the pages of history, like the four faces of the founding fathers, engraved on the great mountain of Mount Rushmore.
One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five smooth stones were chosen to take the giants down. Watch! I say, Listen! The Stone and The Sword.
For The Stone will fly and The Sword will fall, and the heads of the giants will roll!””
What I find particularly intriguing from a prophetic perspective is that during my encounter of Biden at Mount Rushmore, I witnessed the opening of a Demonic Portal that granted Satan legal authority.
I propose that this portal became fully activated when he entered into a Masonic Covenant.
Warriors — I submit that this Demonic Portal has been opened over and around “significant landmarks and strategic locations!”
This may help explain, on multiple levels, the recent tragic disasters we have witnessed.
We must continue to Pray strategically!
♥ There needs to be Strategic Prophetic Actsdone at these Landmark Areas. The Intercessors need to Seek God for the right Strategy!
See Scripture references:
Revelation 9:11 “And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.”
This verse speaks to high-ranking fallen Angel. He is called Abaddon in Hebrew, literally meaning “destruction” and Apollyon in Greek, literally meaning “one who destroys.” Both names can be summarized as meaning destroyer. He is “the angel of the bottomless pit” and is king of the demonic locusts.
Zechariah 9:11 “As for you also, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.” NKJV
Zechariah 9:11 “Because of the covenant I made with you, sealed with blood, I will free your prisoners from death in a waterless dungeon.” NLT.

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

America: Satan Seeks a Generational Redo!
February 3, 2025 Veronika West

Watch and Pray — Satan seeks a “Generational Redo” for even greater Destruction in the days ahead!
This evening as I was meditating and waiting on The LORD regarding the unfolding events in the natural realm, I suddenly became aware of some significant Prophetic Parallels which can be seen unfolding in certain ”geographical locations” — where some of the recent disasters have been unfolding.
Even one in the last few hours at Bush Airport. [United Airlines plane catches fire at Houston’s Bush Airport]
The Spirit of Revelation started to draw my attention to certain spiritual patterns and cycles.
It is important to recognize that Satan always operates within “Generational Cycles and Seasons”.
I submit that what we are witnessing unfold in the natural realm speaks prophetically to the enemy not only seeking to secure a “Generational Redo” in this hour — but to bring into manifestation using the “same Demonic Blueprint” he has used before — but for even greater destruction in the days ahead.
There has been an upgrading in Satan’s demonic technology for even greater destruction — but he’s using the same demonic blueprint as the past.
Franklin D. Roosevelt confronted the “Great Depression”, Ronald Reagan, came into office in a time of “Economic Stagnation and Cold War tensions”, George W. Bush, faced with the aftermath of the “9/11 attacks”, which led the country through a period of intense security chaos and turmoil!
Fervent Prayer for President Donald J. Trump is absolutely vital as I believe he will be faced with these same specific challenges — but these challenges will come with even greater demonic power behind them.
An upgrade in satanic technology will come against him and The Nation in the coming days, that will seek even greater destruction.

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

The Great Purge Has Begun!
February 3, 2025 Veronika West

“Warriors! Be alert! The Great Purge has begun!”
Now I heard those Words boom over and into my spirit in the early hours of this morning, and as I heard it, I immediately sat bolt upright in bed and The Spirit of The Fear of The LORD came upon me.
Then I heard, ”The Great Purge has begun — so do not run — but hide in Me and you shall have The Victory!”
Suddenly I saw in a Vision, a great turmoil arising over The Nations — and I literally saw the boundary lines of Nations, States, Cities, Towns — and even entire neighborhoods — being realigned and entirely reordered and rearranged.
The very foundations of Nations were being violently shaken and shifted!
I then saw the doors of a Fiery Furnace swing wide open over The Nations, and I heard, ”2025 —the year of the beginning of My Fire and Wind, Sword and War shock and awe — and the rise and fall of kings and their earthly kingdoms!”
As I heard The Spirit speak, I was taken back to the following Word.
This Word is now beginning to meet its moment of manifestation in the earth.
The Spirit of The LORD says, ”Beloved, it’s not in the why, or in the when — but it’s in the “what”!
See! For the answer is in the question! Therefore, when you ask and seek after me for the “what” — Yes! For what ‘I AM’ looking for — then you shall understand and come into perfect alignment with My Redemptive Plan and Purpose in the midst of the great shaking that is taking place!
My Beloved —fear not! And do not ask me why and when! For did I not say I would shake all that can be shaken?
And did I not show you that this is a time of the Sword and the Sickle?
A Sword for waging War and a Sickle for reaping The Harvest in The Nations in The Valley of Decision?
Yes! For now Goat and Sheep nations will begin to emerge — so invite and embrace the Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits to come and shake, shake, Shake The Nations!
For in the midst of a great shaking, I AM Aligning and Awaking — I AM Reordering and Rearranging — I AM Reviving and Reforming.
See! F or the fields of The Nations are ripe and ready for Harvest — and The Cup of Iniquity is full and now runs over!

My Courts are now in Session, and the sound of My Gavel will be heard! For The Scales of Righteousness and Justice are now at a tipping point and a new page is turning for The Nations!
Therefore beloved, do not become double-minded, walking in unbelief and fear, but be of good courage!
Arise, shine and take your place — and trust in My unfolding Redemptive Plan and Purposes — and you shall prosper!
For I tell you The Truth — I shall shake, sift and separate the sheep and the goats.
For The Winds of My Grace will gather them up and The Winds of Wrath shall scatter them abroad!
Yes! For a time of divine disruptions — and greater upheavals, turmoil and trouble has only just begun.
For I shall not stop the shaking until I have what I AM looking for! Yes! I want hearts turned towards Me in true Repentance! (Repentance : The currency of The Courtroom of Heaven!)
I want Love.
I want Faith.
I want Surrender.
I want Humility.
I want Unity.
I want Forgiveness.
I want Nations to come back to The Altar of Consecration.
I want Nations to return to their Covenant Foundations.
I want Nations reformed and revived.
I want a great Harvest of Souls.
I want My Church to return to its First Love.
I want Restoration and Recompense for My Righteous Remnant.
I want full exposure of the works of darkness and wickedness.
I want purity back in the Prophetic — and back into the Five Fold.
I want to rid My Body of mixture and defilement.
I want My Sons and Daughters to arise as a great Army of Radical Reformers, advancing in The Power and Authority of The Key of David, to build and establish My Kingdom Government in The Nations of the earth — and to occupy till I return!
I want total Dependence.
I want radical Obedience.
I want Holiness.
Yes! Beloved I say again, I will have My Way, and I will not stop until I get what I AM looking for — for did I not say I want gold, gold gold — pure gold — is what shall come forth from The Fiery Furnace of Affliction and Persecution in the days ahead.
For this is the Time and Season of greater shakings and supernatural shiftings in The Nations of the earth!”
So again, God is reiterating “what” He wants!
Therefore, He will not stop shaking until He gets what He is looking for!
How often are we waiting for God — when in fact he is waiting for us? All the promises of God are conditional!
I believe we come into perfect alignment with God when we come into agreement with what “He wants!”
God is looking for The Great Harvest, and for a Spotless Bride to present to His Son — the Bridegroom — a Bride without spot wrinkle or blemish — and He will not stop until He gets what He is looking for!
The purposes of God are always, always Redemptive, and carry divine purpose and destiny.
But until we truly believe and understand that everything that God does is with a Redemptive and Restorative Plan in mind, we will be fearful, double minded and in unbelief.
We will forever be on a roller coaster of discouragement and disappointment, disillusionment and defeat!
We always seem to be asking the wrong questions! The whys and whens, instead of what — which will truly align us for Victory and Triumph!
“What” is God looking for in the midst of the shaking?
A Vision of a giant agitator
A Season of Divine Extraction and Division is now upon us!
I saw Nations being tossed like stones into what looked like a giant agitator.
An agitator is used in mining for gold or even opals. It’s when raw mineral rich dirt is put into a rotating agitator, and water is pumped into the machine to wash away and remove the finer particles from the large material, the larger material is then collected in a tray for hand sorting.
Miners use an agitator to separate the precious metals and minerals from the rest of the rocks and dirt.
As I saw Nations being tossed and turned in this giant agitator, I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For now is the Season of Divine Extraction and Supernatural Separation — for a time of the great Divide is now taking place within The Nations of the earth.
For Nations will be tossed and turned in this hour —- shaken, sifted, separated and scattered — for My Spirit is now moving to agitate, to disrupt, to dismantle, and to demolish.
For My Spirit is moving to make a Divine Distinction between that which is precious, and that which is of no use to My Kingdom Purposes on the earth.
For I tell you, I will purge and I will purify in these days of great shaking, for gold! Gold! Gold is what I shall have. Nothing less than pure gold!
Watch, as My Spirit moves to deal with mixture that has brought a defilement and deception in My Body, for I tell you, in this New Era, a move of My Spirit shall bring forth a swift and severe Course Correction within The Nations of the earth.
Watch! As I Realign and Reorder, for now Righteous Nations shall be cleansed by The Waters of My Spirit, and purified by The Fires of My Glory.
Watch — for Righteous Nations shall come forth as pure gold from among the rock and the rubble, for in the midst of a great agitation and purification, a great awakening shall take place that shall bring forth Kingdom Reformation and Restoration,” says God.
What does God want?
What is God looking for in this hour?
I believe God is looking for “Gold” — pure gold!
God is looking for Purity! God is looking for Prodigal Nations to turn and return to the heart of The Father!
I want to share another word The LORD gave me which gives more understanding and insight into“what” God is looking for — and what His Divine Purpose is, in the midst of the shaking.
The LORD tells [warns] us — “Do not pray away the shaking!”
I heard The Spirit say, ”Do not be distracted and side tracked by every contrary winds that blows across The Nations, but be of good courage and stand your ground, and do not seek to pray away the shaking that is sent by My Spirit to Realign and Reposition you!
Watch — for I AM dismantling, uprooting and tearing down!
Yes! I AM Reconstructing, Rebuilding and Reforming The Nations — for in the midst of a great shaking, I AM making all things beautiful in My Time — and I AM unmasking the spirit of Jezebel that seeks to bring destruction upon this land.
So I say again, do not pray away the shaking — but fully embrace and surrender to a supernatural and simultaneous move of My Justice and Judgment!
For without the shaking, the works of darkness would not be fully revealed and exposed, and the light of My Glory would not be fully made manifest!
Beloved. therefore fear not, but invite My Divine Shakings — and I shall bring you forth as Pure Gold!”
Now as I heard those Words, I saw in The Spirit thatThe Nation of America is standing in the midst of the greatest demonstration of God’s Love and Mercy that has ever been seen or experienced in the history of The Nation!
I saw a Divine Rescue Mission under way.
I saw that the great Shaking was causing a Prodigal Nation to come back to her senses — to turn and return to its First Love.
The Great Shaking was causing a Supernatural Shift and a Course Correction in the realm of The Spirit, that would bring a Nation back to its roots — back to its Covenant Foundation — on which it was built and establish!
A Great Shaking that would awaken a Nation that was going blind to its True Identity and Kingdom Destiny.
A Great Shaking that would ignite a flame that would go forth to ignite an unquenchable and an uncontainable Fire of Revival and Reformation, that would sweep across the nations.
A Great Shaking that would purge and purify a Nation of its sin and iniquity, so that it may become a Vessel of Great Honour in The House of The LORD — and as a Gold Signet Ring upon The Finger of God, among The Nations!”
See related HKP links:
1. Nations being shaken:

This morning I felt The LORD impress upon me to share this Vision from February 2, 2022.
A Vision of a giant Agitator: “A Season of Divine Extraction and Division is now upon us!”
I saw Nations being tossed like stones into what looked like a giant Agitator, (an agitator is used in mining for gold or even opal,… its when raw mineral rich dirt is put into a rotating agitator, and water is pumped into the machine to wash away and remove the finer particles from the large material,… the larger material is then collected in a tray for hand sorting).
Miners use an agitator to separate the precious metals and minerals from the rest of the rocks and dirt,…
…as I saw nations being tossed and turned in this giant agitator,… and I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For now is the season of Divine Extraction and Supernatural Separation, for a time of the Great Divide is now taking place within The Nations of the earth.
For Nations will be tossed and turned in this hour, shaken, sifted, separated and scattered, for My Spirit is now moving to agitate, to disrupt, to dismantle, and to demolish.
For My Spirit is moving to make a divine distinction between that which is precious, and that which is of no use to My Kingdom Purposes in the earth.
For I tell you, I will Purge and I will Purify in these days of great shaking, for Gold! Gold! Gold! is what I shall have. Nothing less than pure Gold!
Watch, as My Spirit moves to deal with mixture that has brought a defilement and deception in My Body, for I tell you, in this new Era, a move of My Spirit shall bring forth a swift and severe course correction within The Nations of the earth.
Watch! As I Realign and Reorder, for now righteous Nations shall be cleansed by the waters of My Spirit and Purified by The Fires of My Glory.
Watch, for righteous Nations shall come forth as pure Gold from among the rock and the rubble, for in the midst of a great Agitation and Purification, a great Awakening shall take place that shall bring forth Kingdom Reformation and Restoration,” says God.

2. A New Gold Standard:

Raising a New Gold Standard: The Divine Dismantling of Babylonian Economic Systems and the Birth of a Financial Zion
So, recently Apostle Chuck Pierce came to visit, and towards the end of the meeting, a young woman from Switzerland 🇨🇭 was given liberty to share something with those who were gathered in the meeting.
In her hand she held three (3) Envelopes which contained shredded Swiss Bank Notes, and she declared that The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭 would no longer rely upon the god of Mamanon (my interpretation of her words) — but that the Nation would turn to God.
It was a short and rather simple Prophetic Declaration — but you could feel a tangible sense of Spirit of The Fear of The LORD on everything that was being released.
Now, after the meeting and my return home, I felt to go into my Prayer Hut and Pray, as I felt that there was something of “Unfinished Business” in the realm of The Spirit.
So, as I went into an extended time of Prayer, The Spirit began to speak these Words to me, “Watch! For I AM raising up a new Gold Standard in The Nations at this time!”
Then I hear the Words, ”Babylon versus Zion!
Watch! For a Divine Dismantling of Economic Structures that are rooted in Babylonian Financial Systems will take place in the days ahead.
For I will deal a death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah, and My Governing Hand will move to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.
I tell you, it’s time for The Tower of Babel to begin to fall, in the year of The Open Door.
Yes! For I AM raising up a New Gold Standard in The Nations, that will bring forth new currencies and new economic structures, that will bring to birth a great transfer of wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the righteous.
I say, watch The Nation of Switzerland 🇨🇭, for a global economic earthquake is coming that will cause a mighty ripple effect across The Nations, which will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations.
Again I say, I will deal a death blow to the defiled altars of Baal and The Tower of Babel will surely fall!
I say, it’s time to take back The Gates! Take back The Gates — for I shall build and establish a New Financial Zion in its place!” says The Spirit of God
Then The LORD quickened to me the following;
“And The LORD came down to see the city and The Tower, which the children of Adam were building…….” Genesis 11:5
I knew by The Spirit that the Voice that was declaring these things to me, was the Voice of the Righteous Judge of Heaven.
This was the Sound of Justice and Judgment rising over the Nations from The Court Room of Heaven!
Friends, get ready, for the days ahead will be as I have prophesied many times in past months, ”Days known as the Best and Worst of Times!”
Watch! For the Fat Ones will Come forth in a time of Great Famine.” (For more on this see here)
I submit prophetically, we will see the Rise of a New Gold Standard in The Nations.
We must take note of the Words; “Babylon vs Zion”! A Divine Confrontation will take place as two Altars Rise.
“Listen! For The Sound of the Clashing of the Swords of Titans (Babylon vs Zion) will reverberate across the Nations.
A sound will rise that will signal a divine dismantling of Economic structures and institutions that are deeply rooted in Babylonian Financial systems.
.I say, Brace! Brace! For The LORD is going to deal a sudden death blow to the debauchery and decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah in the coming days — and His Governmental Hand will move in swiftly to uproot and tear down the altars of Baal.
We will see, ”The Tower of Babel” — which we know symbolises, human pride, arrogance, stiff-necked and Rebellious Leaders — and even Nations — that will start to crack and crumble in the Year of the Open Door.
Pay Attention! For the Voice of The Seven Spirits is speaking a Word of ‘Governmental Establishment’ of a New Gold Standard in the Earth realm, that will birth new types of Currencies — and even reshape the Financial and Economic landscape of many Nations!
I believe prophetically, that this Promised Transformation within Nations in the coming decade, will bring about a Great Transfer of Wealth from the hands of the wicked — into the storehouses of the Righteous.
The Nation of Switzerland is being highlighted in this hour. Switzerland will become as a focal point for a Global Economic Earthquake that will send powerful ripples across Nations.
When this Economic Earthquake takes place, it will cause deep fractures in the foundations of many Nations and a Divine Dismantling is beginning to take place!
In the days ahead, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation will continue to emphasise the coming destruction of the defiled altars of Baal, the inevitable fall of the Tower of Babel — and the Rebuilding of Righteous Altars In their place!
”Watch! For a New Financial Zion will be built and established in the days to come.”
Wake Up! For there is a Clarion Call being made in this Season of Divine Restore, to take back The Gates and Reclaim what rightfully belongs to The LORD!
The above verse Genesis 11:5 — I Prophesy, Nations have entered into the 11th hour!
This Verse is of poignant prophetic significance and importance,
“And The LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of Adam were building…..” Genesis 11:5-9 see full verses below.
This powerful verse also serves as a stark reminder in this hour, that God Examines the hearts and motives behind what is being constructed.

The Father never judges based on the size of our Churches, or our gatherings, but He weighs each individual and Nation in the balance.
The Spirit of The LORD is urging His people in this hour, to remember that He will share His Glory with no man!
The Tower of Babel may have appeared impressive — but when God came down — He saw the true condition of their hearts.
Therefore, it is essential that both individuals and Nations, are not found wanting in this critical hour!
The Eyes of The LORD is Watching, Examining, and Evaluating Everything that is being built in this hour…
So, let Purity and Righteousness guide our actions, our motives, and all our endeavors in order to Rightly Align with God’s divine purposes in the coming days!
“But The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And The LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So The LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there The LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there The LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.” Genesis 11:5-9

See also Part 2: “Golden Calf Altars of Aaron are Rising in The Valley of Decision!“

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

3. A New Kingdom Era:

“A New Kingdom Era of The Gold Signet Ring — The Royal Robe and Key of The House of David has now begun!”
So, very early this morning I was unable to find sleep and The LORD was stirring me to get up.
And as I went before The LORD, I had not long been in prayer when I heard these Words again, “Daughter look, for The Fatted Calf has been prepared for Prodigal Nations. For a New Kingdom Era of The Gold Signet Ring, The Royal Robe and Key of The House of David has now begun!
Watch, for Prodigal Nations that have eaten with the pigs, will suddenly come to their senses and turn, and return to The Altar in Repentance and be fully Redeemed and Restored!”
Now, as I heard those Words, The Spirit of Revelation took me back into a powerful spirit encounter I had with him in the month of October 2021 and suddenly I found myself watching a vision unfold before me, where I saw a Fatted Calf laid upon an Altar and two Archangels of The LORD stood beside the Altar.
As I looked at the two Archangels, I saw that one held what looked like a Royal Robe and an Ancient Key in his hand, while the other held what looked like a Gold Signet Ring.
Then I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For at The Altar of Awakening, a Gold Signet Ring of My Power shall be put upon their finger, and Royal Robes of Righteousness shall cover their nakedness, and the Authority of The Key of David shall be laid upon their shoulders.
For the True Identity and Kingdom Destiny of Prodigal Nations shall be fully Redeemed and Restored at The Altar of Awakening!”
As I heard those Words, suddenly I saw again a great Door appear in the skies above me, and I could see The Altar of Awakening standing before the ancient Door.
I watched as Prodigal Nations that had emerged from the dark valley of decision were now going before The Altar of Awakening and in deep repentance, their cries filled the atmosphere.
Suddenly, I saw Fire from Heaven fall upon The Altar where the Fatted Calf was laid, and as the Fires of God’s Glory fell upon The Altar, I saw the Archangel of The LORD with the Royal Robe and Ancient Key in his hand, step forward.
The Archangel who held The Gold Signet Ring also stepped forward, and I watched as those that had been kneeling before The Altar, suddenly stood to their feet.
I watched as one by one, an Ancient Key was given, a Royal Robe was thrown over their shoulders, and a Gold Signet Ring was put upon their finger.
Then suddenly I heard the sound of a Lion’s Roar and I heard these Words, ”Watch! For Sheep Nations shall arise at the sound The Roar of The Lion of Judah and they shall rule in righteousness and they reign in great Power and Authority over the Nations of the earth!”
As I heard those Words going forth over The Prodigals, over The Sheep Nations that had returned to the altar, I heard The Spirit say, ”I will clothe him with your robe and fasten your sash around him and hand your authority over to him.
He will be a father to those who live in Jerusalem and to the people of Judah. I will place on his shoulder The Key to The House of David. What he opens, no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open!” (Isaiah 22:22)
Now, as I heard The Spirit speak those Words, suddenly my eyes were drawn back to the Great Door which stood behind The Altar, and I heard these Words, “Come up here…. and I will show you what must take place after this!”

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

The LORD’s Glory Has Weight!
February 3, 2025 Veronika West
4 Words in 1

The LORD’s Glory Has Weight!
The Spirit says, “Listen! My Glory has WEIGHT! It’s Time to check your Foundations! Will they crack or will they carry under the Pressure?”
Glory carries Weight!
The Weight of His Glory is now Invading The Nations!
That which has the foundations to carry the Weight of The LORD’s glory, will remain standing in the shaking to come.
But that which has been built on faulty foundations — will be surely fall away!

The Golden Age
I hear The Spirit whisper — ”Daughter — tell them, this ‘Golden Age’ will be forged in Fire and birthed in Glory!”

“2025 — Beginning of My Fire and Wind, Sword and War, Shock and Awe, and the Rise and Fall of Kings and their Earthly Kingdoms!”

The Great Purge
I heard the Spirit say, “The Great Purge has begun.
Do not run — but hide In Me and you will have Victory!”

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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